人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書35章 忠実さを貫く










Chapter 35: Staying Faithful

1. the episode of the Rekabites

 This is a prophecy of Jeremiah spoken at the end of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, during the reign of King Jehoiakim. In terms of time, it takes place before the earlier chapter 34. Why change the order of the episodes? It is probably important to consider the intention. In chapter 34, God’s judgment on the leaders of Judah, who broke the covenant so easily for their own reasons, was spoken of. Here, in contrast, we read of the Rekabites, who were faithful to the commandments of their forefathers.

The Rekabites are thought to be descended from the Kenites (1 Chronicles 2:55), and the Kenites were Moses’ brothers-in-law. They settled in the land of Canaan with the tribe of Judah, living a semi-nomadic lifestyle in the southern desert region (1 Samuel 15:6). They were a people who opposed the Canaanite way of life, never attempted to drink wine, a typical Canaanite agricultural product, and held fast to the commandments of their ancestors. Jonadab son of Rekab (v. 6) may have apparently moved to the northern kingdom of Israel during the reign of Jehu, king of the northern kingdom of Israel (840 BC), as it says that he supported Jehu against the house of Ahab in order to wipe out Baal worship from Israel (2 Kings 10:15-17). In 722 BC, however, the northern kingdom of Israel was destroyed. However, when the Northern Kingdom of Israel fell in 722 BC, they migrated to the Southern Kingdom of Judah, and in the time of Jeremiah, they apparently settled in Jerusalem after being driven out by the Babylonian invaders (2 Kings 24:2; Jeremiah 35:11). Their presence must have seemed strange in the eyes of Jerusalem’s inhabitants, who continued to observe traditional lifestyles and lived ruggedly to preserve their religious purity.

Jeremiah brought this tribe of Rekabites with him to “the chamber of the sons of Igdalja, the sons of Hanan, the man of God. The room faced the Temple garden, and the crowd gathered in the garden had a good view of what was going on inside. So, Jeremiah deliberately? Perhaps on purpose? Jeremiah encouraged them to drink wine. The Rekabites then declare that it is their intention to do as their ancestors had told them to do for more than 200 years and continue to do so. Probably everyone on the street saw this exchange.

2. being taught by the Rekabites

Jeremiah then speaks to the assembled crowd. They had settled in Canaan at the same time as the Israelites, had lived in the apostate northern kingdom of Israel, and now, even in this fallen southern kingdom of Judah, they had remained faithful to the commands of their ancestor Jonadab, untainted by Canaanite religion or lifestyle. The Israelites, however, did not continue to follow God’s command at Sinai, despite frequent warnings by the prophet, but rather compromised with the religion and lifestyle of Canaan. The Rekabites will be blessed for their loyalty, but woe will befall the Israelites, Jeremiah makes clear.

There is a deliberate reordering of the episodes in the book of Jeremiah so as to effectively convey the intent of God’s word in this way. And the intent is easy to understand. Living in God’s way will often be different from the way we live with people in the world. There is a natural part of how we treat people, how we perceive things, how we proceed, how we spend our money, and in many other ways, we stand on biblical values. It may be received with respect, but to some it may seem strange and even laughable. But let us remember that even if we are laughed at or ridiculed, God blesses those who live up to the Word of God. Let us not be afraid of the eyes of others, but let us walk with a clear attitude and stance of faith that is non-negotiable and unmovable. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following valleys joins the valley of Kideron on the east side surrounding Jerusalem from the west side at the most southerly point? (1) The valley of Bethesda, (2) The valley of Tyropeon, and (3) The valley of Hinnom. The answer was (3) the Valley of Hinnom. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. How many people are the Rekabites ethnically descended from? (1) The Ebbs, (2) the Kenites, (3) the Hittites, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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