人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書41章 相変わらず主が求められることはない









Chapter 41: As Always, the Lord Will Not Be Sought

1. the choice of Jeremiah

As mentioned in chapter 40, after Jerusalem was destroyed by Babylon, there was a disturbing movement among those who wished to restore the Davidic dynasty. Finally, there was a coup d’etat by Ishmael, son of Nethanuja, son of Elishama. They were the ones who could not submit to the rule of Babylon, i.e., the Chaldeans. The mission of the governor Gedalya was to suppress these terrorist activities, restore the devastated land, resume economic activities, stabilize the country, and allow tribute to Babylon to reign. However, he ended his role when he was suddenly killed in a coup d’état. Israel was about to be rebuilt under the Babylonian conquest, but this coup brings Israel back to the chaos of the immediate aftermath of the Babylonian occupation.

Verses 4 and following describe the massacre of 80 pilgrims who had come from the direction of Samaria by Ishmael, the coup d’etat leader. For us today, the incident is completely inexplicable. What does it mean, a mere riot broke out and they got caught in the middle of it? I also think so. However, this does not seem to be the case. In other words, Ishmael was a man of Davidic royal lineage who was deposed from his position as governor. He aspired to restore the Davidic kingdom with the help of the Ammonites. What he needed was an ideology and a symbol to achieve the revival of the Davidic kingdom. And the 80 pilgrims who were slaughtered were committing an act of bodily injury that was forbidden by the Law (Lev. 19:28). In other words, it was an abhorrent act to the Jews, they were used by Ishmael to kill them. And Ishmael is not faithful to the Torah, if you ask me. For he did not want to obey the Word of God spoken through Jeremiah. Thus, he was a man of Judaism who, in reality, would stop killing if you offered him something for money.

2. no one obeys god

Anyway, when Gedalya was assassinated, Johanan the son of Kaleach, who was also Gedalya’s subordinate and who had earlier caught wind of Ishmael’s coup d’etat and tipped off Gedalya, began to make his move. He suppressed Ishmael’s rebellion, but fearing that Babylon would hold him responsible for the incident, he fled with everyone to Egypt rather than rebuild Israel in Mitzpah. What is going on? God, through Jeremiah, had promised that happiness would return if they would submit to Babylon’s rule, but no one wanted to listen to God’s word.

We may be in a similar situation today. Having faith is not the same as simply being religious. After all, having faith has a lot to do with restoring our daily peace and normalcy. Through Jeremiah, God’s word was that the Israelites were no to put up any unnecessary resistance in the face of the Babylonian conquest, but rather to rebuild their lives there. It must have been an important task for them to restore the economic activity of their society, even if it was not in the way they wanted it to be. And it may have been the first step toward becoming what they wanted it to be. In fact, they would later face a time when they would be freed from the Babylonian captivity and allowed to reestablish their own nation. God’s plan is perfect and His Word is sure. Even if the path God shows us does not seem to depict the future we want, our blessing is in obedience to God’s word. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following places is Shunem located? (1) The Plains of Esdraelon, (2) The Wilderness of Judah, and (3) The Fields of Sharon. The answer was (1) the Plain of Esdraelon. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. What was pigeon droppings used for in those days? (1) Fuel, (2) Food, (3) Building materials. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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