人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書44章 永遠に立つ神のことば


この44 章は、エレミヤの最期のメッセージとされるものです。ですからエレミヤ書それ自体はまだ続いていきますが、本章の内容は、エルサレム陥落に関連した25章あたりに続くものと考えられています。つまり、エレミヤのメッセージはイスラエルのバビロン捕囚からエジプトへの逃避という出来事の中で終わってしまい、これ以降のエレミヤの消息も途絶えてしまうのです。伝説によると、彼はエジプトで石打にされ、殺されたと言われています。










Chapter 44: The Word of God Standing Forever

1. the disappearance of jeremiah 

This chapter 44 is considered to be Jeremiah’s final message. Therefore, although the book of Jeremiah itself will continue, this chapter is considered to be located around chapter 25, which is related to the fall of Jerusalem. In other words, Jeremiah’s message ends in the event of Israel’s flight from the Babylonian captivity to Egypt, and there is no further word of him after this. Legend has it that he was stoned and killed in Egypt.

 At any rate, the Israelites fled to Egypt, fearing retribution from the Chaldeans. And once they settled in the land of Egypt, they, along with the Jews who had already settled there, abandoned the true God and fell into Egyptian idolatry. They attributed the calamity that befell them not to their disobedience to the God of creation, but rather to their neglect of the worship of the “Queen of Heaven. In fact, they seemed to think that the whole misfortune began with Josiah’s Reformation. Indeed, after the Reformation, King Josiah was killed in battle, and the southern kingdom of Judah was struck by one difficulty after another. In their minds, all of this was retribution for abandoning the Queen of Heaven through the Reformation (vv. 17, 18).

2. the Queen of Heaven

The “queen of the heavens” is taken to be Ashtaroth. Ashtaroth was a goddess worshipped by the people of Turo and Sidon, an idol who was considered the wife of Baal, the god of agriculture. In fact, she was made as a nude female figure made of gold or bronze and worshipped as a goddess of affection, known as Kadesh in Egypt, Aphrodite in Greece, and Venus in Rome. In Israel, along with Baal, it began to be worshipped during the period of the Judges after the establishment of Palestine (Judges 2:13; 10:6), was destroyed by divine commandment several times, but was revived again by the foreign policy of Solomon (I Kings 11:5, 33), and continued to exist in spite of subsequent reforms.

Against the Jews, whose hearts were set on this “queen of the heavens,” Jeremiah fought to convey the truth of God’s Word. But they rebelled. And it became a battle for life. Jeremiah tells them the Word of God. Then you will do what you think is right. There is no other way to know who the true God is. Then you too will perish (v. 27).

3. after the Jews and the Word of God

In verse 30, Hophra, king of Egypt, is the fourth king of the 26th dynasty. Shortly after his accession to the throne, he invaded Palestine and Phoenicia. He then turned Zedekiah, king of Judah, against Babylon (Jeremiah 37:5). But it is through this that Nebuchadnezzar attacks Jerusalem and causes it to fall. Hophra accepted a small number of Jewish refugees into her land and settled them in Tahpanuheth (43:7), but was later killed trying to suppress a coup d’état during the Libyan campaign of 569 BC (566 BC). The events of Jeremiah’s prophecy were fulfilled exactly as Jeremiah had predicted.

 Jeremiah probably never saw the outcome. In a sense, Jeremiah was an unrewarded prophet. But he did not stand as a prophet for immediate results. He stood as a prophet, however, not for immediate results, but to testify to the true Word of God, which lives forever. There is the Word of God to obey. And in obeying God, there is true blessing.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. What idols did Jehu cherish when he eliminated the worship of Baal? (1) Ashtarote, (2) the golden calf, and (3) Chemosh. The answer was (2) golden calf. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. The idol Ashtaroth, which was worshipped as Kadesh in Egypt, was originally an idol that originated from which country? (1) Sidon, (2) Philistines, and (3) Moab. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.


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