人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書47章 ペリシテに対する預言











Chapter 47: Prophecy Against the Philistines

This is a prophecy against the Philistines. The Philistines were a people who lived in the Mediterranean coastal plain between Jaffa and Gaza. The name “Palestine” comes from the word Philistine.

1. before Pharaoh struck Gaza 

Jeremiah told the Philistines that Babylon was attacking them. The title says, “Before Pharaoh has yet struck Gaza. It was probably the spring of 604 BC when Nebuchadnezzar attacked Gaza. At this time, the Philistines asked Egypt for aid. Egypt, however, failed to respond. Later, in 601 BC, Pharaoh regained his momentum and regained Gaza. So we say that “before Pharaoh had yet struck Gaza” refers to this time.

2. the onslaught of Babylon

In verse 3, Babylon is likened to water coming from the north. Babylon’s onslaught is like a flood, and the reinforcements from Phoenicia are of no help (v. 4). Kahfutol” refers to the island of Crete, from which the Philistines are said to have originally come. In verse 5, Gaza is “shaved on the head,” perhaps symbolizing lamentation over the defeat. Ashkelon, north of Gaza, is also considered to be in ruins. This would mean that every major city in the Philistines is driven to ruin. This is a desperate description. Then Jeremiah’s words, a prayer, are inserted. Ah, O sword of the LORD! O sword of the Lord! How long will you not rest? Rest quietly in your sheaths” (v. 6). It is perhaps noteworthy that Jeremiah refers to the “waters that arise from the north” as “the sword of the Lord. He speaks of the disastrous international conflict as not merely a war of imperialist aggression, but one in which Babylon is used as an instrument of divine judgment. Some may find Jeremiah’s view of the war confusing.

3. God’s Justice

No one who watches and listens to the news of recent international conflicts can possibly think that this is God’s hand of judgment. If there is any part of us that thinks that this is God’s judgment, then like Jeremiah, we are compelled to say to God in prayer, “Lord, stop your hand. But it does not work that way. Rather, we call for a cease-fire against the country that has the upper hand. However, as the war drags on and the circumstances of the countries in the middle of the conflict become clearer, some of us will gradually realize that this is not a matter of simply asking for a ceasefire from the superior or stronger country. Rather, it is the result of long-standing hostility, hatred, and conflict, which must be judged by a true and righteous God.

Jeremiah says, verse 7: “How can I rest? The Lord has commanded the sword.” There are things that must be judged. It should be said that there is a pitfall in turning a blind eye to such a situation of human sin and seeking a superficial peace. The role of religion is not to be used as an ideology of war, but rather to reveal the situation of the human soul that causes war. Truly, man recognizes the warring spirit that lurks even within himself, seeks salvation from his sins, and is made new in God. In this way, a new world order will arise. There is a situation in the world that demands the manifestation of God’s justice. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Who was the king who was killed trying to stop the Egyptian army heading for the battle of Carchemish? (1) Amon, (2) Josiah, and (3) Jehoiachin. The answer was (2) Josiah. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following is not one of the five major cities of the Philistines? (1) Gaza, (2) Ashkelon, and (3) Kahfutol. See you tomorrow for the answer. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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