Chapter 5: Don’t Reject What’s Good
1. if you find one who seeks the truth
In the book of Genesis, we read that God once told Abraham of his determination to destroy Sodom when he realized its evil was so great that he wanted to destroy it. Abraham then has the courage to talk to God. And he made a promise to God that if ten righteous men were found in the city, he would not destroy it (Gen. 18:32). However, only ten righteous men are not found there, and Sodom is destroyed. The same is true, he says, in Jeremiah’s time.
Chapter 5, which follows chapter 4, speaks of God’s judgment upon Judah. God goes around Jerusalem and says that he will not find a single “does justice and seeks the truth” there (v. 1). Everyone confesses the Lord as God, but denies Him in his deeds. In other words, they do not believe in God as much as they say.
Then Jeremiah thought (v. 4) Perhaps that is the problem of the uneducated lowly people? But it is not. The same is true of the educated upper class, all of whom do not acknowledge the true God, and none of whom are willing to live righteously out of fear of him. On the contrary, they all actively deny God and say, Jeremiah, there is no such thing as the plagues you speak of (v. 12). We are reminded of Paul’s words in Romans that “there is no one righteous,” and that “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Anyway, Jeremiah says that if this is the situation, it is certain that God is alive and His Word is true, so the consequences of neglecting Him will eventually be tasted with pain (v. 14). The following verses through verse 19 speak of the tragedy of the Babylonian captivity that the southern kingdom of Judah is about to undergo.
What is perhaps important is that it is a pronouncement of judgment based on the covenant of Deuteronomy 29:22-28. In the past, God made a covenant with the Israelites that if they obeyed Him, He would bless them; if they disobeyed, He would curse them. If the covenant is broken, then the retribution is justified. But the reverse is also true (v. 24). It is a mystery why human beings are so stubborn and defiant, why they refuse to receive God’s blessings in a straightforward manner.
2. confusion of those who stand above
From verse 26 onward, the sins of religious leaders are pointed out. The book of Leviticus describes different regulations for offerings depending on one’s social position. Those in positions of kingship or leadership were required to make sacrifices that were no less costly. Sin is not only a problem for those of low or lowly status. The same is true of religious leaders who preach the way of God, and the reality is that they too, while preaching God to others, do not believe or fear God as much as they say they do. Jeremiah says that if there were even one religious leader who truly feared God, such desolation would not occur (v. 30). Is it just an old story, “The prophets prophesy falsely, the priests rule selfishly, and my people love them (v. 31)”? No. Is it still true today? What did God’s allowing the corona to occur and the removal of worship from Christians make them think? I think it made them think about various things. For myself, I was also made to think about whether or not my own prayers and worship were really right before God. How about you? I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. Who was the king when Jeremiah stood as a prophet? (1) Hezekiah, (2)Josiah, and (3) Manasseh. The answer was (2) Josiah. In the 13th year of his reign, or 627 BC, he stood as a prophet. Now for today’s Bible quiz. At what age was King Josiah when he became king? (1) 8 years old, (2) 18 years old, (3) 28 years old, and the answer will be given again tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.