人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ7章 まことの神を認めていく










Jeremiah 7: Acknowledging the True God

The prophecy in chapter 7 is from the time of Jehoiakim’s ascension to the throne in 608 BC, shortly after King Josiah was killed by Pharaoh Neco, king of Egypt. In other words, this is a new collection of prophecies from this point on.

1. the end of Jerusalem and the temple

 Jeremiah stands in the temple of the Lord and speaks. The time seems to have been a time of great festivals. Therefore, many people heard Jeremiah’s words. At the time, the Israelites thought they would be safe with this temple (v. 4). They thought that God would not destroy his temple by himself. Jeremiah, however, affirms that they are wrong, citing the example of what happened to the temple at Shiloh long ago, when there was a priest named Eli (v. 12).

In the past, the Israelites had a palace called the “tent of meeting” to replace the temple before they built the magnificent temple of that time. When it came to be set up in Shiloh (Judges 18:31). The rituals held there became more grandiose and secularized in content from year to year. The bad behavior of the sons of Eli the priest (1 Samuel 2) reflected this very situation. But the same was true in Jeremiah’s time. Jeremiah criticizes the Israelites’ faith for going down the path of formality and ritual and not being connected to the Word and life of God Himself, and warns them that the same judgment that was once upon Israel will come upon them (v. 14).

2. not the form

 What was the problem? God says. When I brought your ancestors out of the land of Egypt, I did not speak to them or command them anything about whole burnt offerings or sacrifices (v. 22).” For a moment, one wonders if this was so, but it is true that God did not speak of any such thing until He brought Israel out of Egypt and reached Mount Sinai, commanding them only to acknowledge the Lord, fear Him, and listen to and obey His voice. In other words, the essence of faith is to “listen, Israel,” to hearken to the Word of God and “walk in all the ways God commands” (v. 23).

 After Malachi, the last book of the Old Testament, was written, there was a period of time when God did not send prophets to Israel and was completely silent. It is said that during that period, about 400 years, Israel’s faith was completely transformed into a formalistic ritualistic and legalistic religion. But that period was not unique. It was already the same in the time of Eli and Jeremiah. Moreover, it was the same in the time of Jesus. Jesus cleansed the temple by pointing out to the priests that you have made it a “den of robbers” (v. 11). The situation may be the same today, then. The situation of not listening to God’s voice (v. 26) has been repeated. Often, when we become Christians, we are taught to go to worship services every week, read the Bible daily, pray, give offerings, and devote ourselves to service. We are sometimes told that if we can do this, we are a good congregation, and if not, we are a bad congregation. But if it is only a formality, no matter how well done, God tells such a congregation to “sing a song of lamentation” (v. 29). What is important will be whether there is a life of faith and church life that is formed naturally from listening to God’s Word and being touched by God’s life. We want to have a walk of faith that has substance, not pretense. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following prophets is from Tekoa? (1) Jeremiah, (2) Amos, (3) Isaiah, and the answer was (2) Amos. Jeremiah is considered to be from Anathoth and Isaiah from Jerusalem. Now for today’s Bible quiz. After the death of King Josiah, who was the son of Josiah who was put on the throne by Pharaoh Neco of Egypt? (1) Jehoiakim, (2) Jehoiachin, and (3) Jehoahaz. The answer will be given tomorrow. Now I wish you a good day.


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