人生100倍の視野【聖書】ゼカリヤ書14章 主の日に向かう











Zechariah 14: Toward the Day of the Lord

1. God’s Protection

We are told of God’s judgment against Jerusalem. This is a repetition of what has already been said in verses 8 and 9 of chapter 13. However, if this is said at a time after the rebuilding of the temple, it will be after that. In other words, as I wrote yesterday, it is better to read it as an apocalyptic prophecy, since it takes place after the Babylonian captivity. In fact, there is a connection to the final battle against God’s people spoken of in Ezekiel (chapters 38-39) and Revelation (14:17-20, 16:14-21). Thus, the prophecies of the cities being taken over, trampled underfoot, and the captives taken away can be understood as speaking of the trials of Israel in a spiritual sense. This may not sound like a very pleasant thing to hear, but in fact, it is full of God’s grace.

First of all, God promises to protect those who follow Him in this trial. The promise in verse 4 that the Mount of Olives will be divided by the power of God and that the rest will flee through its valley, which is to be taken symbolically rather than literally, conveys the protection of God’s people through His miraculous intervention. God is everywhere with those who stand on His side (v. 9). And God promises to fight those who attack His people (v. 12). It is noteworthy that those who attack God’s people will be destroyed by a plague sent down to God, and the remnant will join the rest of God’s people (v. 16). The “remnant” will be gathered together under God in His unfathomable will.

2. the consummation of salvation

Next, verse 20 says that “the bells of the horses” are to be made a holy offering to the Lord. Originally, for the Jews, horses were a manifestation of arrogance, royal pretense, and carnality, and even owning one was forbidden. Household “pots” were also considered worldly objects. But on that day, he says, they will all be used as holy objects. In other words, the distinction between the sacred and the secular will disappear. For the people left behind by God, there will no longer be a double life: the church will be a place of holiness, and daily life will be a secular place. Religion will no longer be a part of life, but life itself.

Therefore, it is also said that in that day “there will be no more merchants in the temple of the Lord of hosts” (v. 21). When my house is called a house of prayer, we are reminded of the temple purification Jesus performed by driving out those who did business in the temple (Matthew 21:12). The Temple of God is to be completely sanctified, a place of pure worship and adoration of the glory of God, and the daily life of the Christian is to be the same (Romans 12:1). It would mean that the hypocritical way of believing would no longer be swept away.

Thus Zechariah speaks of salvation and the perfection of the church. Eventually we will stand before God. Before then, God may sift mankind with wars and pestilences. All things that happen in the world have their own meaning. It will be a process of bringing those who recognize God closer to Him and driving out those who do not. In these uncertain times, let us keep our minds focused on our own salvation and the perfection of the church. That is the end point.

<Quiz Corner    

First, yesterday’s quiz. How many people called Zechariah appear in the Bible? (1) 11, (2) 21, (3) 31. The answer was (3) 31. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. When the king of Aram took charge of the rituals in the temple of Limon, who assisted him?

(1) Naaman, (2) Balaam, and (3) Gehazi. The answer will be given tomorrow. So, I wish you a good day today.


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