帝国を象徴しました(5:28、31)。そして、青銅の腹とももに象徴され、「全地を治めるようになる」国はギリシアのことです(2:39、8:21)。BC 334年の初め、ギリシアのアレキサンダー大王は、東方のインド西部にまでその勢力を及ぼし、まさに全知を治めるようになった王です。ただ、アレキサンダーの支配期間は短かかったので、政治的影響力はペルシアに劣った、つまり、銀ではなく青銅に象徴されるのです。続く「鉄のように強い国」はローマ帝国を象徴しました。実際、ローマ帝国は、エジプト、シリア、マケドニア、と様々な国を一つの国にしようと試みましたが、それは粘土と鉄を混ぜるようなものでした(41-43節)。AD 395年、ローマ帝国は東西に分裂し、東側は約1000年に渡る中世の歴史を築きますが、西側は100年も持たず、AD 476年ゲルマン民族に滅ぼされていきます。最後の人手によらずに切り出された一つの石は、イエス・キリストを象徴しています。イエスは、これまでの、力で国々を支配する帝国主義の在り方(46節)とは全くことなる神の御国を討ち建てられました。十字架の愛に基づいて、人々を集め、復活と再臨の希望に生きる神の御国をスタートさせたのです(詩篇2:9)。
Chapter 2: The King’s Dream and the Unveiling
1. the dream of Nebuchadnezzar
King Nebuchadnezzar reigned from 605 to 562 BC. In the second year of his reign (604 BC), he had a strange dream. Moreover, the dream kept recurring. Unsettled, the king gathered spellcasters, incantationists, and Chaldeans (“astrologers” and “scholars”) to attempt to unravel the dream. However, the king knew very well that the explanation of the dream could be as fanciful as he wished. Therefore, the king did not only ask him to solve the dream, but also to tell what he had dreamed. No one could comply with this request. The king decided to execute all the wise men in the land, saying that he did not need anyone who could not solve his difficult problem (v. 12). Daniel rises to his feet in the midst of this crisis (v. 14). vv. 20-22 use a unique form of Hebrew poetry, the cross-arrangement method, which structurally makes the author’s point best. Verses 20-22 use a rhetorical device that structurally places the author’s main point in the middle of the verse (vv. 21, 22). In other words, Daniel’s most important point is that it is God who “showed the dream to Nebuchadnezzar and revealed the secret of the dream to me. He is like Joseph, who once revealed his dream before Pharaoh. He, too, revealed his dream, saying, “Not I, but God” (Genesis 41:16).
2. God’s Plan
In fact, the dream recounted the rise and fall of the kingdoms after Nebuchadnezzar, and the grand future history of God’s plan that all of them would eventually be destroyed and replaced by the holy Kingdom of God. Thus, the head of pure gold symbolized Babylon (vv. 37, 38), and the silver breast and arms symbolized the Medo-Persian empire (5:28, 31). And the nation symbolized by the bronze belly and thighs that “shall reign over the whole earth” is Greece (2:39, 8:21); at the beginning of 334 BC, Alexander the Great of Greece was the very king who came to reign over the whole earth, extending his power as far east as western India. However, Alexander’s reign was short-lived, and his political influence was inferior to that of Persia, which is symbolized by bronze, not silver. The following “kingdom as strong as iron” symbolized the Roman Empire. In fact, the Roman Empire attempted to unite various countries – Egypt, Syria, Macedonia – into one nation, but it was like mixing clay and iron (vv. 41-43) In AD 395, the Roman Empire was divided into east and west, with the eastern part building a medieval history that lasted about 1000 years, but the western part lasting less than 100 years In AD 476, the Germanic tribes destroyed the Roman Empire. The last stone hewn out of the earth by hand symbolizes Jesus Christ. Jesus has established the Kingdom of God, which is completely different from the imperialistic way of ruling the nations by force (v.46). Based on the love of the cross, he gathered people and launched the Kingdom of God, which lives in the hope of the resurrection and the second coming (Ps. 2:9).
This plan of God is further reiterated later in chapter 7 as the parable of the four beasts, in chapter 8 as the parable of the ram and the goat, in chapter 9 as the 70 weeks, and in chapter 11 as the battle between the king of the north and the king of the south. What is important is the prophecy of the final Kingdom of God, which was conveyed to this King Nebuchadnezzar by a dream. The nations of today are also somewhat an extension of the imperialism of Persia, Greece, Rome, and so on. Before the war, it was clearly imperialism. But it is by no means the case that imperialism died after the war. The essence of imperialism is the domination of power by those in power. In the end, the reality of the domination of power by those in power is not only in North Korea, which is easy to understand, but even in the country of Japan, as the problem of local autonomy symbolizes. However, Nebuchadnezzar is informed in a dream that the time will eventually come when a nation characterized by such a rule of power will be forever annihilated by a single stone hewn out of man, the rule of Jesus’ love. Indeed, Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection 2000 years ago gave us the hope of living in the reign of God. Christians live in faith that this is not all, that God will make things right, even though we live in the rule of the Japanese nation. Let us pray together for the completion of God’s Kingdom, that this faith will never be betrayed.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following is the name of the river where the city of Babylon was built? (1) Euphrates River, (2) Tigris River, (3) Egyptian River. The answer was (1) Euphrates River. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. Which country is spoken of as symbolic of the iron-strong nation in Daniel 2? (1) Persia, (2) Greece, (3) Rome, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well then, I wish you a good day today.