Chapter 3: The Golden Image and the Fiery Furnace
1. the golden image
It was in the eighteenth year of King Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, about twenty years after Daniel and his three friends were brought to Babylon. A very severe trial occurred for Daniel, his three friends, and the Jewish people.
Nebuchadnezzar erected a golden statue and asked them to worship it. The statue was huge, about 27 meters high and 2.7 meters wide, roughly the height of a nine-story building. More like a steeple than a statue, it was a display of the king’s greatness. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed Nego are invited to attend the dedication ceremony. However, Daniel is not present. Perhaps, because it coincided with the fall of Jerusalem, Daniel was sent to Jerusalem to deal with various issues and was absent.
At any rate, Daniel’s three friends were asked to bow down and worship the image. They had been confronted with the difference in cultural practices earlier, but this was now a test of their religious attitude itself, a test that could not be fudged and for which there was no alternative. It was impossible to worship a golden image and at the same time worship the one true God of creation (Ex. 20:2-5).
Regarding the Christian era in Japan, it is usually believed that there were many Christians who were killed and martyred for not stepping on the steps. However, after much research, it turns out that, in fact, Christians sometimes put a thin edge on the soles of their feet and trampled on them in order to overcome the danger. Furthermore, since God is deeply gracious, He taught the Christians how to trample with an unsuspecting face because He understood well the circumstances in which they were placed, and later, if their hearts were condemned, He sometimes taught them prayers to relieve their feelings.
2. even if you don’t.
What does this chapter really teach us to do? Often the focus is on the king’s thoroughness and refusal to condemn them to death, even when he pronounced the punishment of death. But what is really noteworthy is their gut-wrenching confession of faith. I believe that Christians should value common sense and live wisely in a way that does not lead to thorough warfare in the first place. I do not think that is compromise or corruption. But even with such wisdom, there will be times when one will eventually be cornered. The context of this chapter is thus talking about what to do in a situation where execution has been decided because of faith. And that is where they showed grace. They trust in God’s authority over this earthly power (v. 17) and entrust their fate to Him (v. 18).
In a situation where the outcome is fixed no matter how things turn out, they flounder and have a wayward attitude. After all, it would not do to live in such a way that it seems impossible to tell whether this person really believes in God or not. The story ends with a happy ending, in which they are eventually protected and rescued from the fire. Of course, reality often does not work out that way. But faith is all about acknowledging God’s sovereignty in the first place. It is important to note that Nebuchadnezzar praised their attitude “even though they gave up their own bodies” (v. 28), which speaks of a faith that is not just talk, but is truly without a shadow of contradiction.
In fact faith is not only questioned in times of persecution. In fact, Christians are seen daily to be living in such wholehearted, contradiction-free faith. When we break free from faith that is not settled and full of self-love, faith that truly strikes the souls of men will also arise. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. In Daniel 2, which country is symbolized by the strong as iron? (1) Persia, (2) Greece, and (3) Rome. The answer was (3) Rome. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following kings did Daniel never serve? (1) Nabopolassar, (2) Nebuchadnezzar, and (3) Bershazzar. The answers will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.