人生100倍の視野【聖書】ホセア書5章 イスラエルに対する裁き




3節「わたしはエフライムをよく知っている」ここでイスラエルは、エフライムと言い換えられています。エフライムは、ヨセフが息子につけた名で(創世記41:52)、「実る」というヘブル語パーラーに、地方を表すアイムという語をつけた造語です。「実り豊かな地」を意味します。実際エフライムと呼ばれた地域は、北はミクメタテ、南はベテ・ホロン、ゲゼルにおよぶ中央パレスチナの丘陵地帯で(ヨシュア16:3、6)果樹が栽培され、ぶどう、オリーブ、ざくろ等がとれたパレスチナ中で最も豊かな地域でした。しかし、その物質的豊かさを象徴するエフライムということばには、別の意味もありました。その地の出身者で、北王国最初の王ヤロブアム1世(1列王11:26)は、神に反逆的な王で、その態度、姿勢を象徴的に語ることばともされたのです。こうしてエフライムは、BC745年頃から、イスラエルの態度姿勢を示す言葉として用いられるようになるのです(イザヤ7: 2、5、8-9、エレミヤ31:18)。





Chapter 5: Judgment on Israel

1. judgment on ephraim

God pronounces judgment against priests, kings, and people who rebel against Him, that is, all the people of Israel. Even if they seek help from the king of Assyria (v. 13), they will not escape his judgment.

In Hosea’s time, Israel was sandwiched between two major powers, Assyria to the north and Egypt to the south. Therefore, national opinion in Israel was divided between the pro-Assyrian faction that wanted to ally with Assyria and the pro-Egyptian faction that wanted to rely on Egypt for national security. Such a situation was extremely dangerous, facilitating foreign invasion. Hosea says that the fundamental problem of this critical situation was the failure to recognize and turn to the Lord, the true God of creation, who had protected and sustained Israel since the Exodus.

Verse 3: “I know Ephraim well.” Here Israel is paraphrased as Ephraim. Ephraim is the name Joseph gave to his son (Genesis 41:52), a word coined from the Hebrew parlā, “fruitful,” and the word aym, “province. It means “fruitful land.” In fact, the area called Ephraim was the richest region in Palestine, with fruit trees, grapes, olives, pomegranates, etc., grown in the hills of central Palestine, extending from Mikmetite in the north to Bethe Horon and Gezer in the south (Joshua 16:3, 6). But the word Ephraim, which symbolized material wealth, also had another meaning. The word was also symbolic of the attitude of Jarobam I (1 Kings 11:26), the first king of the Northern Kingdom, who was rebellious against God. Ephraim is thus used to describe the attitude of Israel from about 745 BC (Isaiah 7:2, 5, 8-9; Jeremiah 31:18).

2. a God who longs for repentance

God says that He will not leave Israel until they recognize the error of their attitude and stance, repent, and earnestly seek Him. God’s judgment was intended to cause God to turn aside (v. 6) and reap what He had sown, and v. 12, “as a stain upon Ephraim, and as a rottenness upon the house of Judah,” means that His judgment would be gradual and irreversible when it was realized. The important thing will be to become aware and seek the Lord’s face before it is truly considered a blot or rot. This is because the Lord is always by our side, watching over His people and waiting for them to repent and turn (v. 15). When we ask, God is no longer the one who spits out, “I will never forgive you. Nor is He the one who doubts and asks, “Is your repentance real? God is not like man. It should be noted that the words of God’s love are spoken against the backdrop of a true story, of Hosea’s family. God’s love is true. Let us hasten to God, honestly acknowledging the reality that we have no choice but to rely on the depth of God’s love. God is the one who will make your life healthy. I wish you a good day today.

<Quiz Corner  

First, yesterday’s quiz. Who was the king of the southern kingdom of Judah at the time Hosea began his prophetic activities? (1) Rehoboam, (2) Uzziah, and (3) Hezekiah. The answer was (2) Uzziah. Hosea’s prophetic activity is said to have continued until the beginning of Hezekiah’s reign, which was about 30-40 years. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following is considered a city of Ephraim? (1) Shiloh, (2) Gibeah, (3) Shechem. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today!


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