Chapter 9: The Third Vision (Prophecy of the 70 Weeks, the time from Daniel to the Messiah)
1. the prayer of Daniel
In today’s passage, we see that Daniel was reading the book of Jeremiah. He says that by reading the book of Jeremiah, he realized that the God-ordained period of Babylonian captivity, 70 years, had come to an end (verse 2). And when Daniel realizes that God will return the Israelites to their homeland as promised, he offers a prayer to God. In fact, when I read that prayer carefully, I am struck by something. Daniel, quite naturally, confesses their sins before God and asks for forgiveness. He is not simply praying to God to return the Israelites to their homeland as promised. Rather, he is communicating with God with his heart. It should be said that there was an unspoken heart-to-heart communication that went beyond what was literalized in the Bible.
Daniel remembers that he is in the presence of God, who is covenant-keeping (v. 4), righteous (v. 7), rich in mercy and forgiveness (v. 9), and omnipotent (v. 15). On the other hand, he remembers their rebellion against God, their refusal to listen to the prophets he has sent (v. 5), and their very unfortunate situation (v. 8). They also feel that they are spiritually unenlightened (v. 13), having experienced the worst of the judgments, and still not seeking God. They have been led to believe that if God is going to restore Israel in this situation, it will not be because they are worthy, but because of God’s mercy and faithfulness (v. 18). Therefore, they pray, with their hearts bowed before God, that He would grant them that grace which they so graciously did not deserve. But is it not precisely because Daniel had established a reasonable relationship with God that he could pray in this way that he was said to be “specially loved by God (v. 23)”?
2. prophecy of the abomination that ravages
From verse 24 onward, the prophecy about the 70 weeks is spoken of, and there are two major interpretations of this passage. One is that it refers to the time when Antiochus Epiphanes defiled the temple and erected an image of the god Zeus in 167 BC, when the temple was recaptured by Judas Maccabaeus, cleansed, and temple worship was resumed. The critical position, which does not recognize Daniel’s prophetic ability, holds that based on these historical facts, the book of Daniel was written in a reminiscent manner around the 2nd century BC. The conservative position of biblical understanding, however, has interpreted this passage as futuristic and apocalyptic. This is based on Christ’s quotation of the passage, which he interprets and explains in apocalyptic terms (Matt. 24:15). But there are again two interpretations of the intent of that Christ quote. One emphasizes the forgiveness of sins in Christ and the other emphasizes Christ’s eschatological event. Certainly, the forgiveness of sins of disobedience to God and appeasement seems to speak of the events of the cross, and the sanctuary being consecrated and dedicated to God seems to speak of something more future, the new Most Holy Place in the new Jerusalem (Revelation 21). But at this stage, it is true to say that we do not know for sure. But there was a “time” when Jeremiah’s prophecy was also understood. In other words, just as Daniel read the book of Jeremiah and realized, “Oh, this is coming true now,” there will come a “time” when this prophecy will be understood. What is important is to fear God, who reveals the secrets of heaven, and to keep going through the Word of God and communing with Him today. We should not just read the Bible in a cursory manner, but like Daniel, we should deepen our reading to commune with God. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner First, yesterday’s quiz. From where to where is the book of Daniel written in Aramaic, not Hebrew? The answers were (1) 2:4-7:28, (2) 7:1-7:28, and (3) 8:1-12:13. The Old Testament is basically written in Hebrew, but this passage is in Aramaic. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which passage in the book of Jeremiah did Daniel read and found to be announcing the deliverance from Babylonian captivity? (1) 29:10, (2) 33:3, (3) 45:5, and the answers will be given tomorrow. Well, I pray that you have a good day today