人生100倍の視野【聖書】ホセア書1章 ホセアの家庭を通しての預言










The Book of Hosea, Chapter 1: Prophecy Through Hosea’s Family

1. about the book of Hosea

 Today we will begin the book of Hosea. The Book of Hosea is the first of twelve books of prophecy called the Minor Prophets. Although it is called a minor prophecy, that does not make it any less valuable than the major prophecy books, just that it is a shorter book.

The prophet Hosea was active in the Northern Kingdom of Israel for about 40 years from the 8th century BC, or the reign of Jarob-am II, to just before the destruction of the Northern Kingdom (2 Kings 15-17). In the books of Jeremiah and Ezekiel that we have read so far, the background is the time when the Northern Kingdom of Israel had already been destroyed, and furthermore, the Southern Kingdom of Judah was about to be destroyed. The time period goes back a bit, so switch your mind. The book of Hosea was written at a time when the southern kingdom of Judah was undergoing a change of kings from Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Prophets who were active in the same period as him were Amos and Jonah in the Northern Kingdom of Israel, and Isaiah and Micah in the Southern Kingdom of Judah. Incidentally, in world history, Rome and Carthage appeared, and in India, Buddha was promoting religious reforms.

At any rate, when Hosea appeared as a prophet, the Northern Kingdom of Israel was at its worst spiritually, just before it was destroyed by God’s judgment. God speaks to Israel in an attempt to somehow rescue it from such a situation. The prophecy is characterized by the overlaying of God’s love on Hosea’s experience of family life.

2. three children born to Hosea

First, in verse 2, Hosea married a woman who was an adulteress. Therefore, it is believed that the children born to her were not Hosea’s children either. The first child she gave birth to was named Izreel (meaning “God is the sower”) (v. 4). Izreel is a memorable place name in Israel. It was the place where Jehu, the king of Israel, staged a coup, murdered King Joram and his wife Jezebel, and then slaughtered the 70 sons of Ahab, Joram’s father, and piled up their heads. In other words, it is a place with a strong image of uncleanness. So here we have a word that has an antithetical meaning. You are not pure Israel, but unclean Yisroel.” And the second child, “Lo Ruhama” (v. 6), means “she will not receive mercy.” Hosea is chilled by the reality of his wife’s adultery. And the name of the third child, “Lo Ami” (v. 9), means “not my people.” Hosea feels that his love for his wife has been severed, saying, “Do as you please now.

What is important, however, is what happened afterward. In the midst of a marriage that seemed like a failure from the start, and in the midst of a family life that was falling apart, Hosea could have run away from home in disappointment, disgust, and anger. Nevertheless, Hosea accepts his wife and tries to rebuild his family. It is often said that marriage is a promise. But Hosea’s faithfulness to his wife in trying to keep his promise was also a behavioral prophecy that symbolized the relationship between God and his people. Like Ezekiel, he communicated God’s deep love not only through his words, but also through his actions and his life. Thus God confesses His abiding love for Israel. In the very place where he said, “Do as you please, I don’t care,” the rebuilding of Israel will take place (v. 10), and the unclean Israeel will become the great Israel (v. 11). Moreover, they will be delivered, not by bow, sword, battle, horse, or cavalry, but by the very means known as the work of God (v. 7). Let us thank God for His faithfulness and follow Him. Let us pray for a good day ahead.

<Quiz Corner  

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which angel argued with the devil about Moses’ body? (1) Michael, (2) Gabriel, and (3) Seraphim. The answer is 1) Michael (Jude 9) is today’s Bible quiz. In which of the following prophets was Hosea active in the same period? (1) Isaiah, (2) Jeremiah, and (3) Ezekiel. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today!


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