1. ゴメルの罪
Chapter 2: A Decisive Break and New Hope
1. Gomer’s Sin
Hosea’s wife was an adulterous woman. So when Hosea learns of his wife’s infidelity (chapter 1), he accuses and condemns her for her sin (chapter 2). However, the prophecy is unique in that Hosea’s very private family affairs are discussed as a matter of God’s relationship with Israel. What Hosea points out as his wife’s sin is superimposed on God’s accusation of Israel’s sin. And three sins of Israel are pointed out. First, they have the wrong person to whom they should direct their affections (v. 5), second, they are ignorant (v. 8), and third, they have forgotten the Lord (v. 13).
However, as I read the first half of chapter 2, I found myself thinking again about what marriage is all about. For Gomer, the wife, the husband is “my Baal,” that is, a convenient person who makes her life enjoyable. He is merely someone who provides her with money (v. 8) and time (v. 11) and lets her live her life the way she wants. He is what we call a convenient life partner. But that is not what a marriage relationship is about. So God says that he will take away all her material blessings so that she can see the inner meaning of marriage, that is, a man and a woman living together, heart to heart, loving each other, which is a blessing in itself. He takes back what she has contributed to another man, Baal (v. 9), strips away what she has glamorously adorned herself with (v. 9), and reminds her that, as a result, she is just an ordinary woman who is growing old (v. 10). He also takes away her favorite festivities, he says (v. 11). And he says that he will make sure that the memories she perceives as love are destroyed (v. 12). What is important in marriage is not the pomp and circumstance of married life, but the union of the hearts of man and woman, and the richness of that union.
2. love for Gomer
In the human world, there is the reality that when we are young, we are pampered and loved. But as we age, decline, and lose our attractiveness as human beings, we no longer maintain such affectionate relationships. And it is only when one is old and unattractive that one realizes what true love is. And by the time they realize it, it is too late and they are overwhelmed by the loneliness of the reality that they have not developed a true love relationship.
But God’s love is profound. Under normal circumstances, God will not abandon you, even if you are already in a situation where you end up abandoned, even if you end up in an institution or living alone and lonely. God says that even when a traitor wife is punished as painfully as she deserves, it is so that she may know true love in the covenant relationship of marriage. God says gently, “Let the valley of Achor be the gate of hope.” (vv. 14, 15), he says gently. The Valley of Achor is where the man Akan once sinned and was punished (Joshua 7). For the Israelites, it is a place where sin brought disaster, a place they would like to put a lid on and forget if possible. But God wants to give them hope in that very place, to give them a new life (v. 15). What she needs is not Baal, the god of good fortune, who will give her things, but a husband who will tell her things, cover her past wounds, continue to love her, and give her peace of mind (v. 18). Thus it is prophesied that the once cursed land of Izreel will be transformed into a new land of wine and grain, Israel (vv. 21, 22). If you are now reminded that you have lived a life in which you have not been in a relationship of true love, let us not dwell in emptiness, but respond to God’s affection by confessing, “You are my God,” and let us receive His blessing. I wish you a good day today.
<Quiz Corner>
First, yesterday’s quiz. Hosea was active in the same period as which of the following prophets? (1) Isaiah, (2) Jeremiah, and (3) Ezekiel. The answer was (1) Isaiah. Hosea was a prophet in the last days, the time of the destruction of the Northern Kingdom of Israel. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following place names is used contrastingly to reveal that the once-cursed valley of Acor is to be restored and made a place of God’s grace? (1) Sharon, (2) Esdraelon, and (3) Hebron. The answer will be given tomorrow. And now, I wish you a good day.