人生100倍の視野【聖書】ホセア書6章 真の悔い改めへの呼びかけ










Chapter 6: A Call to True Repentance

1. recommendation for repentance

 The subject of verses 1-3 is “we. Whose words these are is a matter of debate. Already in chapter 5, we were told that repentance was required of all Israel: priests, kings, and people. Some interpret this as a response, a prayer of repentance offered by the priests on behalf of all. The Greek translation of the LXX seems to have been rendered based on such an interpretation. Then, from verse 4 onward, it is understood that God remembers that the repentance is only a formality, that is, it is only verbal, and admonishes.

Some interpret this as the prophet Hosea’s exhortation to repentance. If this is the case, then verses 4 and following can be understood as God’s persuasion of Israel in response to Hosea. In reality, it could be taken either way, and it is difficult to decide, but let us consider it as Hosea’s exhortation to repentance.

2. Let us know God.

God is not simple. He is not deceptive. He is well aware of Israel’s sincerity like the morning mist, and of their loyalty, which is as fading as the morning fog. Faith in God is something that must be deepened. It is something that is manifested in a person’s mouth, eyes, hands, and feet, in his attitude toward life, and in his faith, which is manifested in his entire life. However, there is a reality that this is not the case. In fact, as you look at a Christian close to you, you may sometimes feel lonely, thinking, “This person believes in God and says that God is important, but not as much as he or she says, or doesn’t attend prayer meetings, or doesn’t seem to read the Bible with much enthusiasm. Well, if you ask me if I am enthusiastic too, I would not give myself much praise, but it is human nature to be concerned about other people. As I reflect on myself and look at how others are doing, I am reminded that in faith, the sovereign is not God, but myself. In the end, we are not living by faith, but by using faith.

Also, verse 7, Shechem is a city of escape, a place where the murderer is sheltered from the avenger, to be judged by righteous judgment. According to the Torah, the priest had to protect the criminals on their way to that city of escape. However, the priests are not obedient to God’s decree and become the avengers. A priest who speaks the Word of God and encourages people to obey it, is in such a state of affairs at that time. And all things being equal, God says, “I have seen a terrible thing in the house of Israel.

Repentance is not just talk, but a change of direction in life. It means abandoning old deeds and taking a new course of action. But why does true repentance not occur, and why do we fall back to being half-hearted, self-centered believers? The key word would be “know God” in verses 3 and 6. Not wanting to know the sovereign God, this makes the relationship between God and man superficial. It is more important to know God Himself than to know what to be as a Christian. We must earnestly seek to know the Lord, and in this pursuit, the fruit of repentance will be born. Then, you will naturally want to cherish worship services and prayer meetings, and support the work of your pastor and church with offerings to support the Lord’s work. It is because we are motivated by such a heart without effort that our faith is joyful and we look forward to church life. It is not the fault of that or that person that faith and church are not enjoyable or joyful. First of all, let us turn our hearts to God Himself. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner  

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following is considered to be a town of Ephraim? (1) Shiloh, (2) Gibeah, and (3) Shechem. The answer was (1) Shiloh. Shiloh became a center of worship and was the site of Joshua’s tomb (Joshua 18:1, 24:30), and incidentally, (2) Gibeah is in the territory of Benjamin and (3) Shechem is in the territory of Manasseh. Here is today’s Bible quiz. How many cities were designated as cities of exile in total? (1) Four, (2) Six, and (3) Twelve. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you all a good day today!


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