人生100倍の視野【聖書】ホセア書8章 行いが信仰を否定する










Chapter 8: Deeds Deny Faith

1. the crisis that loomed over Israel

Verse 1, “Put the horn to your mouth,” the act signified an emergency. In the New Revised Version 3, it was followed by “Like an eagle, the enemy is upon the temple of the Lord,” but in 2017, the translation was revised to “Like an eagle is upon the temple of the Lord.” What is it? I thought, “I don’t understand,” so I checked the original Hebrew text. Then I found out that the third version was a literal translation of the Hebrew, with the addition of “the enemy” and “attack”; the 2017 translation is a literal translation of the Hebrew. But what I want to say is, “Is that an eagle? On the temple of the Lord, (It’s going to attack you, Abraham!)” This is probably the image of the eagle. Israel is indeed prey to the eagle, unaware of the danger that suddenly strikes them, and they say, “How did this happen? They are prey to the eagle, unaware of the danger that suddenly strikes them. In other words, it is God’s judgment. God’s judgment is immediate when the time is right, even if some people are impatient and feel that it has been delayed. It may appear to some to be a scene of a society of the strong over the weak, where the strong trample the weak, but it is not. It is God’s judgment. I am sorry to say that this is an old Japanese TV program (a famous historical drama that was remade and aired repeatedly from the 1950s to 2018), but God does not suddenly appear in front of people like “Toyama no Kin-san”.

2. the reason for Israel’s rejection

 But as we read the book of Hosea, we are reminded of God’s patience and the depth of His love, as He speaks to Israel with all His heart and with all His words about what is at stake. While the previous seven chapters focused on the sins of the royal family, in this eighth chapter the reality of Israel’s sins, including those of the Israelites, is explained. First, in verse 4, they did not set up leaders who were in the will of God. The nation’s deterioration is not only a matter of the nature of the king, but also of the will of the people who do not establish such a king. God said, “Surely you shall set up as king over you one whom the Lord will choose. No alien who is not of your people shall be set over you” (Deut. 17:15). The king was to be a man whose heart was not set on power, women, gold, or silver, but who feared God and continued to read and study the Lord’s teachings. The king who should have been chosen was such a king, but the Israelites did not. By the way, it is not only the problem of politicians that makes the Japanese nation worse. It is also our fault for not electing sensible politicians.

Furthermore, they broke the second commandment by “making for themselves idols out of their own silver and gold. God is an invisible spirit, not something to be worshiped in the form of a calf (v. 6). Such an act is truly an abomination, a denial of the true God of creation. It should be said, “The calf of Samaria shall be crushed to pieces.”

3. the result of the rejection

As a result, Israel will no longer be “a vessel pleasing to no one. The vessel will be used for something. But they will become a people who will not be taken seriously either as God’s people or as a secular nation, and they will fall into loneliness where their gifts of love will not be reciprocated (v. 10), and they will end up immersed in a religion that only chants its own desires in vain (v. 11). If you feel such a reality in your heart now, it is probably because you are seeking the wrong thing. What you should be seeking is to live in the love of the true God of creation, in the holiness and righteousness of the true God. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner     

First, yesterday’s quiz. Who was the king who made Samaria the capital of the Northern Kingdom of Israel? (1) Yeroboam, (2) Omri, and (2) Ahab. The answer was (2) Omri. Omri bought the land from Shemer and named it Samaria after him (1 Kings 16:25), which brings us to today’s Bible quiz. It was Aaron who made the golden calf, so which king made it an object of worship again? (1) Rehoboam, (2) Jaroboam, (3) Josiah, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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