人生100倍の視野【聖書】ミカ書3章 イスラエルの指導者層への裁き











Micah 3: Judgment on Israel’s Leadership Class

1. the sins of the leaders and false prophets

Continuing from yesterday, we are told of God’s words of judgment against the leaders and religious leaders of the southern kingdom of Judah. Three things are pointed out.

The first is that the leaders are preying on the people (vv. 1-4). Leaders are supposed to protect the people. They are supposed to serve, serve the people, uphold justice, and conduct public affairs. But if they abuse their power and line their pockets, God will not answer their cries when they are in trouble (v. 4). The phrase “hide their faces” is peculiarly biblical, meaning that God will turn his back on them and take away their blessings and graces.

 Second is the problem of false prophets not speaking the Word of God correctly (vv. 5-7). They are the ones who take advantage of God’s Word. If they think it will benefit them, they put on a face of blessing, saying, “Peace be with you,” but if they think it will not, they cause people to worry, saying, “Declare a holy war,” that is, be cursed. For them, religion is merely a means to control people’s minds and make money. In the end, just like their leaders, they are just like wild beasts, preying on the poor and devouring them. They are religious people who do not even want to know what faith is in the first place. In those days, people had the custom of covering their mustaches when they felt sorrow or shame (Lev. 13:45; Ezek. 24:17). They would be in a situation of shame, abandoned by God, as were the prophets of Baal who once confronted Elijah on Mount Carmel.

On the other hand, true prophets sent by God are beings of light, “full of power, justice, and courage” (v. 8), speaking the most important things in a time of darkness. They point to God and speak clearly of the reality of sin in which man has turned his back on God. But that is not mere criticism. They also speak of the reality that sinners have forgiveness for their sins and that God’s blessing remains.

2. sins common to leaders and false prophets

Finally, Micah summarizes (vv. 9-12) that political and religious leaders are supposed to be fair and just, but in reality they are not. Leaders are “shedding blood” rather than establishing God’s righteous rule on earth according to God’s law. This means heavy taxation and harsh collection of debts. They are also “doing injustice,” that is, breaking God’s law and building cities with bribes. Money talks, and money is everything in this society (v. 11). Of course, some money is necessary. There are rewards for work. However, as Paul points out in his letter, the reality of the church is that there are problems in which appropriate rewards are not taken into consideration. For this reason, we cannot look down on poor religious who plead their needs. This is only to say that if there are politicians or religious people who do things under cover that the world would consider unjust, they should be corrected. The important thing is not to criticize, beat, and hang them, but to make things right.

Verse 12 was quoted a century later by the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 26:18), and it is the word that inspired Hezekiah’s Reformation. What is important is to realize a pleasant society, illuminated by the light of God’s power and justice. Christians who earnestly seek God’s love and holiness in their lives should be committed to that mission (Micah 3:8). There is a walk of faith that goes beyond living for oneself. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner          

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following prophets acknowledged the prophecy of Micah and quoted his words? (1) Jeremiah, (2) Isaiah, and (3) Ezekiel. The answer is (2) Jeremiah (Jeremiah 26:18). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Seers and prophets are almost synonymous. 〇 or×? The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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