人生100倍の視野【聖書】ヨナ書1書 神の御顔を避ける恐ろしさ




このような国際情勢の中で、神はヨナにアッシリアへの悔い改めを語り伝えるように命じられました。ニネベが滅ぼされないように、神の前に悔い改めるように勧めなさい、と言うわけです。しかし、当時、ナホムが語ったように、ニネベは、悔い改めずに神に滅ぼされた方がよいと思われていた国です。イスラエルの回復を預言して人気すら得ていたヨナです。敵が救われることも、自分の人気が失われるようなことも、受け入れがたいことであったでしょう。ヨナは神の命令を無視し、主の御顔を避けて逃げ出しました(3節)。 タルシシュへの道はニネベとは全く逆の道であったのです。







Jonah 1: The Fear of Avoiding the Face of God

1. background of the book of Jonah

The prophet Jonah is thought to have been active during the reigns of Joash in the southern kingdom of Judah and Jarob-am II in the northern kingdom of Israel. Other prophets active at that time were Amos and Elisha (2 Kings 14:25). At that time, Jonah prophesied that Israel, which was in decline, would recover and prosper. As prophesied, Israel recovered and prospered to the extent that it rivaled the time of Solomon, and Jonah attracted the attention of the people.

During this period, Assyria, a powerful nation to the north, was also expanding its power. Assyria was invading neighboring countries, behaving brutally, and rumors were spreading. In fact, later prophets such as Isaiah and Hosea prophesied that Assyria would soon extend its power to Israel. The prophet Nahum prophesied the destruction of Assyria, saying, “Everyone who hears a rumor about you will clap their hands over you” (3:19). In other words, everyone felt threatened by this nation, not only because of its vigor but also because of its barbarism, and wished it to perish.

In the midst of this international situation, God commanded Jonah to preach repentance to Assyria. He would tell him to encourage Nineveh to repent before God so that it would not be destroyed. But at that time, as Nahum said, Nineveh was a nation that was thought to be better off unrepentant and destroyed by God. Jonah even gained popularity by prophesying the restoration of Israel. It would have been hard for him to accept that his enemies would be saved and that he would lose his popularity. Jonah ignored God’s command and fled, avoiding the face of the Lord (v. 3). The road to Tarshish was the exact opposite of the road to Nineveh.

2. God in Pursuit

The duty of God’s prophets, however, is to preach the Word of God as it is, in whatever language it is spoken. He does not speak according to whether or not he is popular. There are times when we must open our mouths as God’s spokesmen, even if it is to the detriment of our role.

Jonah had to learn that. God catches the ship Jonah boarded in a storm. In the midst of the commotion, the people in the same boat learned that Jonah was trying to escape by avoiding the face of God. Amos, a prophet of the same period, said, “Even if he goes into the night, we will drag him out; and if they hide themselves, I will seek them out and catch them (9:1-4). And the sailors who try to help Jonah also realize that they are unknowingly disobeying God. In other words, they threw Jonah into the sea, just as Jonah recommended, and experienced the sea calming down again, just as Jonah had told them. They clearly realized that there is only one true God who is alive in the world.

The world’s population is about 7.5 billion, and it is amazing that God would take notice of just one person among them and be so involved that He would follow him wherever he goes. And God is raising up prophets who will speak His word straight to the people. The same will be true for pastors. A pastor is one who is set up to genuinely convey the Word of God. He is merely a servant of God whose work is to connect each member of his congregation to the Word of God. If he gains popularity and his attention turns to it, God will have to correct this. Let us pray that God will celebrate the work of pastors who are genuinely trying to communicate the Word of God. Let us pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner          

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following prophets lived in Tsarephath? (1) Elijah, (2) Elisha, (3) Obadiah. It was (1) Elijah. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. What country of Tarshish, from which Jonah tried to flee, is considered today? (1) Spain, (2) Ethiopia, and (3) Phoenicia. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I pray that today will be another good day.


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