人生100倍の視野【聖書】哀歌2章 主に向かって祈れ











Lamentations 2: Pray to the Lord

God’s Plan Accomplished

 Jerusalem was destroyed by the Babylonian attack. The Babylonians attacked and destroyed Jerusalem, and the city was described as “a city of great beauty and the delight of the whole earth” (v. 15). Indeed, the devastation must have been beyond description.

It was more than the destruction of an impregnable city; it was the destruction of the city of God. The city that God had chosen, that God had chosen to dwell with, and that God had commanded to bless was destroyed.

Often in ancient wars, losing a war meant the defeat of the patron god of the country. In other words, Israel’s defeat meant the defeat of the God of Israel. In reality, however, this was not the case. Israel’s defeat was due to a pre-planned judgment by the God of Israel who protects Israel (v. 17). Although Israel considered the Babylonian army to be their enemy, the real enemy was the very guardian God who had sent the Babylonian army. But that was a natural retribution. Israel, which had long abandoned faith in the true God, their guardian god, and neglected their covenant with the idols of other nations and their covenant with their guardian god, received what they deserved. Thus the Israelites lose everything, and those who speak of false hopes of peace and prosperity are silenced (v. 14), and the righteousness of Jeremiah’s words is revealed.

2. pray to the Lord!

 But the punishment of that guardian God was too grievous. Jeremiah says, “Look well, O LORD! Look well, O LORD. Look who has done this to whom (v. 20). If one sees the devastation, whether it is war or natural disaster, it is so painful that one is afraid to simply speak of it as God’s judgment. In fact, there were mothers boiling and eating their children, priests being slaughtered, old people and children running out of food, young men slain by the sword, and the very picture of hell in Jerusalem. God was merciless in these things. Jeremiah’s heart trembled with grief, wondering why God would go to such lengths. But it is also true that God, who has been warning him, has not been unjust and has not gone too far.

Rather, one must learn from it. We must learn from it, understand the consequences of not acknowledging the true God, and never repeat it again.

It is hard to look at the devastation of the various conflicts in the world and say that this is God’s judgment. However, we can understand that God does not approve of it because it is undoubtedly the result of the clash of human egoism that does not recognize the true, peace-loving God. Therefore, we must pray for God’s wisdom on how we can overcome the suffering of humankind by putting aside our egos and gathering together with reverence under the control of the true God. As we learned in Jeremiah, God, the Judge, is also the One who promises restoration. We acknowledge and repent of our sins, and we sincerely pray to each other, “True God, heal this nation and this world, and let peace come again. Lift up your hands to the Lord for the life of your children. Gather in churches and pray for peace in the world and for blessings in your community, which is what Christians are commanded by God to do. Let us be those who respond to God. Prayer meeting is not a place of fellowship but a place of intercessory prayer. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner  

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which king was pardoned in Babylon? (1) Jehoiachin, (2) Zedekiah, and (3) Jehoiakim. The answer was (1) Jehoiachin. After the death of Nebuchadnezzar and during the reign of his son Evil Merodach, Jehoiachin was released from prison and given preferential treatment among the kings who were with him in Babylon. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following has actually been archaeologically excavated? (1) the scroll of Jeremiah, (2) the braa (impression stamp) of the scribe Baruch, (3) the brush of the early Baruch, and the answer gawill be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.


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