これに対して、エジプトの第二25王朝のピ・アンキが、パレスチナの小諸国を全面的に支援し、反アッシリア同盟を組織し、アッシリアに対抗していきます。しかし、アッシリアの勢いは留まらず、さらにBC713-712 にかけてユダ南王国に侵略、エドム、モアブを降伏させ、BC711年、パレスチナ南部のアシュドデのみならず、ギベトン、エクロン、ガテを占領するのです(1節)。
Chapter 20: Choosing to Follow God
1. background of chapters 13-23
In 721 BC the Northern Kingdom of Israel was finally conquered by Assyria. Then in 720 BC, the Assyrian king Sargon II attacked and occupied Gaza and Rafiah in southern Palestine, and in 717 BC, Karchemish in northern Palestine.
In response, Pi Anki of Egypt’s 25th Dynasty of the 2nd Dynasty fully supported the smaller Palestinian states and organized an anti-Assyrian alliance to oppose the Assyrians. However, Assyria’s momentum would not stay with them, and they would further invade the southern kingdom of Judah from 713-712 BC, surrendering Edom and Moab, and in 711 BC, occupying not only Ashdod but also Gibbethon, Ekron, and Gath in southern Palestine (v. 1).
Isaiah delivers God’s message to the people of the southern kingdom of Judah, which had not yet been completely conquered by Assyria, but was barely a nation at all. But he does not speak in words, but in action, stripping naked in front of the people and walking barefoot. This is called action prophecy, a technique once often used by the Lord’s prophets. Jeremiah, for example, prophesied that the southern kingdom of Judah would be crushed by breaking earthen jars in front of the people (Jeremiah 19). Ezekiel also prophesied that there would be a certain period of suffering in the punishment of captivity by lying down in public, left side down for 390 days and right side down for 40 days (Ezekiel 4:4-6). The people were brought to the attention of God’s Word through these strange actions of the prophet, the so-called “action prophecy. Isaiah prophesied the destruction of Egypt and Ethiopia and spoke of the folly of seeking help from Egypt through his bizarre behavior that caught the attention of the people. But no one at that time thought of the destruction of Egypt, a powerful nation that sponsored them, even though they themselves were weak.
2. the certainty of God’s word
Isaiah’s prophecy was fulfilled with the capture of Lower Egypt by the Assyrian king Esar Hadon in 669 BC and Upper Egypt (Ethiopia) by Ashurban Apri in 663 BC. However, no one at that time could have imagined that Isaiah’s words, which he had spoken for three years, would come true in this way.
Unfortunately, even today, the message from the Bible is not always well received. Even if we make a shocking appeal through action prophecy, few people take it seriously, and this was and still is true today. Therefore, speaking the Bible can often be a bitter experience. But it is also true that what the Bible tells us is an important message concerning human life.
The Word of God delivers the soul of the sinner from perdition. In many ways, one may find oneself in a crisis of life, as symbolized by the Assyrian attack. However, cherishing the Word of God and walking in obedience to it will, in many ways, save us from defeat and from walking the path of slavery. It is important to walk trusting in God, who truly controls and sustains history, and not in short-term easy help. I wish you all a good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. When does the Nile River tend to flood due to increased water volume? (1) February to May, (2) July to September, and (3) October to December. The answer was (2) July-September. It was well known to the Israelites that the Nile River floods (Isaiah 23:10; Jeremiah 46:7-8). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following is not an Egyptian city? (1) Heliopolis, (2) No-Amon, (3) Gaza, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that you have a good day today.