最初に、昨日のクイズです。BC539 年、新バビロニア帝国を滅ぼし、各国の捕虜を解放し、戦利品としてバビロンに持ち込まれたそれぞれの国の偶像を元あった場所に返すことを許可した、寛容政策を取った王様の名前は何というでしょうか?①ネブカデネザル、②ファラオ、③キュロス。答えは、③キュロスでした。では、今日の聖書クイズです。ネボは、バビロニアでは何の神として拝まれていたでしょうか?①豊穣の神、②医学の神、③天文学や科学を教える神、答えはまた明日。では今日も良き一日であるように祈ります。
Chapter 46: God Loves Us
1. a god of baggage or a god who carries us on his back
Martin Luther, the 16th century religious reformer, said, “Whoever relies on his own strength, wisdom, piety, wealth, fame, power, or anything else, is guilty of idolatry. Idolatry is not merely the worship of idols carved out of wood or stone. Taking oneself as a god or relying on one’s fame or wealth is also idolatry that does not acknowledge the true God.
Verse 1, “Bel” is the Hebrew name of Marduk, the Lord God of Babylon. It is another name for Enlil, the Sumerian god of winds and storms, the biblical god whom Daniel and his friends refused to worship. Also, “Nebo” is thought to be his son. That idol “bending and kneeling” meant that Babylon would be defeated in war. They would be carried away by the conqueror on the back of the beast as spoils of war. What a mess, Isaiah sarcastically remarked, mere nasty baggage. The God of the Bible, on the other hand, says otherwise. Rather, the God of the Bible is the one who “carried the Israelites from the womb, carried them before they were born, and carried them even when they were gray” (v. 4). The difference between the God of idols and the true God is clearly spoken of. The true God is the one who created human beings, who cares for them, protects them, and guides them even unto death. The God of idols, however, is something created by man and something that man must carry for him. ‘To this he cries out, but does not answer, and does not save us from suffering’ (v. 7). Remember this and take courage” (v. 8), in other words, use your reason and consider the absurdity of worshipping such things. Faith is cool on one level.
2. remember God’s work
Verse 9 says, “Remember the days of long ago. Specifically, he is asking us to remember how Abraham was chosen by God and how Israel was delivered from slavery in Egypt. God wants to bring about a new election and a new exodus once again. Remembering what happened long ago, you should expect that God, who was and still is the same, is about to do the same great work in your life. Faith is still required.
God says, “From the beginning I have told you the things that are to come, and from of old I have told you the things that have not yet been done; I have made plans and will carry them out (v. 11)” and “My salvation will not be delayed (v. 13). Believing this word of God, we are not to spend our time in anxiety and frustration, wondering if we can manage in the midst of hardship, but rather, we are to simply trust in the Lord and think to fulfill our daily duties with patience.
God is alive. He is not something that can be dug out of wood or stone, or formed out of gold or silver. God is a spiritual being that cannot be formed. His salvation is “never delayed. Even if it feels like a delay, it is best to remember God’s immeasurable will, wait for His appointed time, and submit to Him. It is not an empty expectation. God is a God who loves us, who carried us from the womb, carried us before we were born, and will carry us even when we are withered. God loves us. Let us hope and trust in God’s love.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz: What was the name of the king who, in 539 BC, destroyed the New Babylonian Empire, freed the captives of the nations, and allowed the idols of each nation brought to Babylon as spoils of war to be returned to where they belonged? (1) Nebuchadnezzar, (2) Pharaoh, and (3) Cyrus. The answer was (3) Cyrus. Now for today’s Bible quiz. What was Nebo worshipped as a god in Babylonia? (1) the god of fertility, (2) the god of medicine, (3) the god of astronomy and science, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.