人生100倍の賛美【聖書】詩篇141篇 夕べに働きの実をささげる










Psalms 141 Offering the Fruits of Works in the Evening

1. context and background

 Verse 2, “May my prayer be as incense before you, may the lifting up of my hands be as an evening offering.” This psalm was used in the early church for the evening service (the morning prayer is Psalm 5). The Hebrew word for “incense” is ketores, meaning the fragrant aroma of the sacrifice. And “evening offering” is the Hebrew word minhas erev, meaning “evening grain offering. In other words, there is an attitude of looking back on the fruits of the day’s labor and offering them to the Lord. It is important. What kind of work did you do before the Lord after you finished the day’s labor? Did you do work that can be offered to the Lord? You may want to think about whether the Lord accepts the fragrance of the fruit of your work and considers it good work. The early church had such a custom of cooking incense for prayer and looking up to the Lord every morning and evening. It is a time when our attitude toward life is examined each morning and each evening.

2. being stained with “the Lord,” not “vermilion

 Now, from verse 3, the author prays for protection from temptation. The temptation he feels is to follow the way of the wicked (v. 4) and to lose the flexibility to listen to the bitter words (v. 5). There was a scene in one of the period dramas in which the heir admonished his son to be circumspect, saying, “If you do such things, you will be scarred when you become a lord. The idea is similar. We are God’s children, and we are treated as kings who will eventually be welcomed into the Kingdom of God. The things we do in this world often only tarnish our lives, and especially when we become desperate in the face of difficulties, we hurt ourselves. At all times, one needs to walk modestly. We need to trust God, pray without ceasing (v. 2), guard our mouths (v. 3), and be careful not to pander to the wicked or to walk in step with them (v. 4), so that we can offer the fruit of our labor daily to the Lord. What we should have is a friend who speaks the truth with love and walks in God’s ways with us (v. 5). In the midst of evil. There is the psalmist’s faithful prayer that he will not be stained with “vermilion,” but that he will be stained with “the Lord.” (The Japanese words “vermillion” and “Lord are pronounced the same)

3. the wicked will perish.

 Verses 6 and 7 have some difficulty in grasping the meaning. Some consider the text of the original Hebrew manuscripts to be untranslatable due to various distortions. The phrase “cast down to the side of the rock” refers to the ancient death penalty. In context, it refers to the judgment of the leaders of the wicked. In other words, when the leaders of those who oppose them are suddenly judged, those who oppose them will listen to their words, because they will see that there is truth in them.

Verse 7 can be understood as describing the evil that those leaders did to the righteous. In other words, he says how severely those who followed the Lord were persecuted, as if the bones of the righteous were scattered all over the earth, just as wood chips scatter when a woodcutter chops down a tree. In the midst of all this, the psalmist prays for the Lord’s protection (vv. 8, 9) and righteous judgment (v. 10). The psalmist’s faith in the midst of the evil that pervades his life is expressed in his uncompromising acceptance of God’s counsel, and his faith to walk with God even in the face of further persecution. He looks not to his own plight and suffering, nor to the evil one’s wickedness and prosperity, but only to God, and when evening comes, he offers the incense of prayer, thinking of the fruit of his labor in an unassuming manner. The wicked will fall into the trap they have set for themselves and perish. The bad times will pass away. Let us always walk in expectation of God. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Who quoted Psalm 140 in the New Testament? It was (1) Paul, (2) Peter, (3) John, and (1) Paul. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. Which Psalm was used by the early church as a psalm for morning prayers each morning? The answer will be given tomorrow. I pray that today will be a good day for you.


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