Psalm 137: He knows
1. context and background
Verse 1, “By the rivers of Babylon, there we shall sit.” This psalm clearly speaks of the experience of the Israelites during the Babylonian captivity, when they were forced to emigrate to Babylon as captives. However, the actual date of the poem is not known, since it is thought that the poet may have written it after his return from captivity, recalling the events that took place there.
In any case, the poem evokes the scars and pain of the war. The psalmist may have been recalling the events that took place there after his return from captivity. In other words, it is what is classified as a “Psalm of Torment” in the Psalms.
The psalmist is taken captive to Babylon, where he is made to sing an ancient Israelite song. He is told to sing them as an entertainment. This experience may have happened in the past when Japan occupied Asian countries. Or, conversely, it may have happened when Japan lost a war and was interned in a foreign country. There is a history of Japanese wars. There is also a popular culture that glorifies war and how bravely the Japanese fought. However, it is hard to talk about how the war violated other countries and abused other peoples. However, if you travel to Asian countries, you will find memorial museums everywhere that document the events of that time, and the barbaric acts that Japan once committed against the peoples of the Asian countries are obvious. At any rate, the people of ancient Israel also experienced humiliation when they were asked to sing songs of praise to God by the victorious nation of Babylon. The songs they sang were not songs of the beauty of nature or of human affection, but songs of the glory of God, whom they considered omnipotent. They are forced to sing songs of praise to God Almighty in a situation where they are conquered and enslaved by an enemy nation. You say that God is almighty and that God is wonderful, but then you are laughed at and asked if God has saved you. But it is not that God failed to save Israel. It was God’s judgment as a result of Israel’s disobedience to Him. It is out of this humiliation, in which God is denied and they are reminded of their own foolishness, that the psalmist spits out his venom. Blessed is the man who seizes your (the enemy’s) infants and smites them on the rocks” (v. 9). It is a rhetorical statement, but we can understand the sorrow and confusion in the heart of the psalmist.
2. God Who Feels
The reason such an outpouring of human emotion is recorded so blatantly is probably to testify that God feels the depth of it more than He condones it. In other words, the psalmist understood that God felt their pain as they vomited their venom. He felt their shame, their indignation, and that God is the one who can take the depth of it.
I see what I mean when I read the message to the seven churches in Revelation. To the church in Ephesus, Jesus said, “I know your works, your toil and your patience” (2:2). But the original text reads, “I know! Thy works, and thy toil and thy patience” is the order of the words. In other words, the emphasis is on the fact that God knows. Similarly, Jesus said to the church in Smyrna, “I know! Your suffering and poverty!” And to the church in Pergamum, “I know your circumstances! God is counting all our deeds, our suffering, our poverty, and our circumstances! He knows! He knows!
If read simply, this psalm seems to end on a sour note, and is angry. But it does mark the ultimate culmination of bare prayer. The poet is given enlightenment at the peak of his indignation. It is as if Hannah, in her single-minded prayer, has come to a realization and “her face was no longer as it had been” (1 Samuel 1:18). It should be said that the psalmist realized a God who is sympathetic to human grief, anger, and resentment in their depths. He is taught that he should simply confide his feelings to God. If you are going to spew venom, you should spew it to God, not to others. There is no growth in always spitting it out to others. We should remember that there is a God who sympathizes with the depths of our hearts. I pray that today will be another good day.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. How many people were Og, king of Bashan? (1) Ammonites, (2) Emorites, and (3) Moabites. The answer was (2) an Emorite (Numbers 21:33). Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. The word Babylon is sometimes used in the New Testament as a symbol for what? (1) Rome, (2) Ephesus, (3) Corinth, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I pray that you have a good day today.