人生100倍の賛美【聖書】詩篇138篇 神の御業に期待する


















Psalm 138: Expecting God’s Work

1. context and background

The title says “by David,” and it is supposed to be the first of the Davidic Psalms, which continues through Psalm 145, but if we assume that the “holy temple” in verse 2 is the Jerusalem temple, this cannot be David’s work. In other words, it is a later date than David, one that is thought to have been made in Davidic style after the return of the captivity.

 Let us read and enjoy the contents of this psalm. First of all, it seems that the psalmist was not in the Temple at this time. He has a time to “face” the Temple, to worship, to remember God’s grace and truth, and to honor and give thanks for God’s Word. The important thing is the confession in verse 3. For the poet, it was an undeniable fact that God was present, that God was his heart’s support, his protection, and his blessing.

 More importantly, the poet’s faith in his future is held as he recalls the past with which God has engaged him. We do not know what hardships the poet was going through at this time. But what the poet is asking in this poem is,

That He will take care of the lowly (v. 6).

To be kept alive in the midst of suffering, as if being blamed from all sides (v. 7).

To be delivered from the wrath of the enemy (v.7).

That God would do everything for us (v. 8).

It is very important to be confident that the Lord will help us overcome our present hardships based on our past experiences.

2. God’s grace is never ending.

Let us also note what the psalmist says as a basis for praying to God in this way: v. 8 “Your grace, O Lord, is everlasting; do not cease from the work of your hands, for it is good. Do not cease from the work of your hands.” In other words, it is a trust that God’s grace is inexhaustible and that our lives consist of a series of works of God’s hands. Indeed, if we can stand on such faith, we will be able to look forward to His salvation without panic, no matter what hardship we are going through.

 God is merciful. God pours out more than rewards to us. Let us stand firm in the conviction that He is gracious. As Jesus said in the parable of the farmer in the vineyard, God is indeed generous (Matthew 20:15). And we should experience God’s bottomless abundance of grace. God’s word is truth. His word never betrays man. As such, it is important that our own past experiences appeal to us in the present. Maturity in faith is nothing more than the accumulation of daily religious experiences (v. 4).

Therefore, if you have not yet had such an experience, if you have not yet tasted the grace of God, you must first be honest about your spiritual reality, be humble before God, and first pray that your faithful walk may proceed.

And, most importantly, we must cherish the times of tribulation. In other words, if you are in a predicament where you feel that you are being blamed from all sides, then this is the time when you should taste the Lord’s grace and accumulate the Lord’s blessings. Tribulation is a time to experience God’s grace, not a time to despair like the rest of the world, or to take it out on someone else in frustration. It is a time to pray for deliverance, trusting that God will deliver us from this rock bottom. It is also a time for God to deliver us from those who look at us as enemies, who are angry with us, who lash out at us in anger. It is a time to actually taste the work of God’s grace and move on to the next stage of maturity. As such, it is important to keep praying, “Do not cease the work of your hands until you are sure of your faithful experience.

What do you think? Where do you find satisfaction and fulfillment in becoming a Christian? One of the satisfactions may be that you have friends in the faith and enjoy the fellowship of eating lunch together. But above all, there is no greater blessing than the experience of tasting God and accumulating such experiences. Let us confess that God’s grace is deep, God’s work continues, and your word is true, and let today be another day of tasting God.

<Quiz Corner> First, here is yesterday’s quiz. The word Babylon is sometimes used in the New Testament as a symbol for what? (1) Rome, (2) Ephesus, and (3) Corinth. The answer was (1) Rome. The apostles Peter and John use Babylon as a symbol of Rome (1 Peter 5:13, Revelation 14:8). Now for today’s Bible quiz. What volume of the Psalms contains the most Davidic verses? (1) Volume 1, (2) Volume 3, (3) Volume 5, and the answer will be given tomorrow. Then I pray that today will be another good day


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