人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇第2巻、42篇 これからなのだ

1. 文脈と背景










Volume 2, Psalm 42: It’s just the beginning.

1. context and background

 This is the second volume of the Psalms from Psalm 42. If you read it in Hebrew, you will notice that the first volume features Yahweh (Lord) in the divine name, while the second volume features Elohim (God). Therefore, second volume is also called the Book of Elohim Psalms. While the first volume names no author other than David, the second volume (31 psalms in all) contains psalms by various authors, not only David, but also Korah (Psalms 42-49), Asaph (Psalm 50), Solomon (Psalm 72), and Anonymous (Psalms 66, 67, 71).

Now Psalm 42 is, according to one theory, the lament of a temple singer who was taken captive north of the Jordan highlands (v. 6, 2 Kings 14:14). So the psalmist sang this song because he longed to return to God’s house. So the psalmist first describes his spiritual state of mind. The psalmist first describes his spiritual state of mind as that of a thirsty deer longing for the stream of a valley. Perhaps the poet is imagining a land parched by prolonged drought. The image is of an animal lying on the ground, eyes glazed over, dying. It is an image of the psalmist’s heart, unable to regain the grace of his former worship in the immovable and irretrievable reality of captivity. The time when they offered sacrifices in the temple, when they remembered and praised the Lord’s grace, when they rejoiced in Him together, can no longer be regained no matter how they try. Day and night, we mourn and seek restoration, but we can no longer change this reality, and we can only nod our heads in remembrance of former blessed times of worship (such as that one) and pilgrimage journeys.

2. faith of the psalmist

But then the psalmist suddenly rouses himself to speak, v. 5: “Wait for God, and I will praise him. I will praise God still. What is important is that the psalmist distances himself from his nodding, distraught self and encourages him. The psalmist is trying to calmly accept his emotional collapse and stand on faith. We will never be able to eliminate the emotions caused by reality. But if we believe and accept that this reality is a product of God’s loving concern, we must not dwell on it forever. We must stop nodding our heads.

This call is not only found in verses 5 and 11, but also in Psalm 43:5. In other words, it is believed that Psalms 42 and 43 were originally one Psalm. Indeed, some Hebrew manuscripts treat the two psalms as one. The psalm, then, is a combination of two psalms, with three repeated phrases, and it speaks of deep emotional turmoil, falling down three times and then trying to set oneself up faithfully three times. It is not so easy to stop nodding off. But eventually, you will realize that there is no use in doing so, and you will make a decision.

3. hereafter.

At any rate, in the second series of verses 6-10, the poet addresses a different image. There, he speaks of the image of the violent flow of a tributary of the Jordan River, swollen by the melting snow of Mount Hermon. This time it is not the dry land, but the roar of a great waterfall, the swirling, violent flow of a mighty river. It symbolizes the various trials that assail the poet. All kinds of trials come upon the poet as if they were chasing him. It is a situation that makes one wonder if he will end up in this land.

But, verse 8, even in such a desperate situation, God is alive and pours out His grace, and that fact remains. Here the psalmist, in the midst of such an uncontrollable situation, attaches himself to God and finds deliverance for his heart. In the midst of a distracted and discouraged life, there are times when the heart is sustained by talking with God. We must not allow ourselves to be swept away by the emotions of our distraction and depression. I would like to remind you of the 37th Psalm of the Alphabet, which David taught didactically. And say to yourself. “Do not be discouraged. Do not panic. Be calm and watch what God is going to do. God is faithful. It’s just the beginning. Large vessels do not fill with water easily. There is a big difference between looking at a situation that does not hold water and looking at a large vessel. If you have faith, think positively and innovatively about everything. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner>

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following characterizes the first volume of the Psalms? (1) Lamentations, (2) Hymns, and (3) National Anthems. The answer was (1) Lamentations. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. What volume of the Psalms is called the Book of Psalms of Elohim because Elohim is used for the Hebrew divine name? (1) Volume I, (2) Volume II, and (3) Volume III. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.