人生💯倍の賛美😊【聖書】詩篇69篇 不当な苦しみを超えて















最初に、昨日のクイズです。エドムとモアブを分ける、エドムの北側の境界にある川の名前はなんでしょうか?①ゼレデ川、②ヤボク川、③アルノン川。答えは①ゼレデ川でした。では、今日の聖書クイズです。今年(2023年)4月5日の夕方から、イスラエルで始まる過ぎ越しの祭りに使われる式次第を何と呼ぶでしょうか。①ハガダー、②トーラー、③ミシュナー、答えはまた明日。では今日もよき一日となりますように祈ります。Psalm 69: Beyond Unjust Suffering

1. background

It is said to be a poem about unjust suffering suffered for being faithful to God. The similarity to Lamentations 3 and the fact that the word “Judah” is used instead of “Israel” (v. 35) suggest that it is set against the background of suffering in the post-Davidic period, such as Hezekiah or later. In other words, the title says “by David,” but the authorship of David is in doubt. So here we will read the Psalm as a Davidic psalm, a psalm whose contents cannot be separated from David’s experience.

The subject matter of this Psalm is said to be in keeping with Psalms 22, 35, 55, and 109. In fact, together with Psalm 22, it is the most frequently quoted Psalm in the New Testament. It is often quoted by Luke (verse 25 ⇒ Acts 1:20), John (verse 4 ⇒ John 15:25, verse 9 ⇒ John 2:17, verse 21 ⇒ John 19:28 and following), and Paul (verse 9 ⇒ Romans 15:3, 22, 23 ⇒ Romans 11:9-10) and has been read as a Messianic Psalm. The Psalm of the Messiah is a portrayal of Christ’s endurance of the suffering of the cross, the unjust suffering caused by his faithfulness to God’s mission.

2. a cry to God

 First, the author cries out to God, appealing to Him for his suffering. Fear of the enemy, who hates the author and wants to destroy him, is spoken of (vv. 1-3). He says that if this suffering atones for something in his past, it even returns what he did not take from him (v. 4). We may suffer because of our faults and sins (v.5). But this suffering is different; it is rather suffering caused because of obedience to God. In verse 8, the author confesses the pain of even his family distancing themselves from him. Certainly David had such an experience (Ps. 31:11, 38:11). And it was also Christ’s experience (v. 9). The apostle John quotes these words in his Gospel, portraying the Messiah who, in his zeal for God, is, at last, compromised and left alone.

3. prayer to God

In verse 13, the author looks up to God in such an undesirable situation and says, “But…” He prays for God’s work of salvation to take place in the course of His time. And verse 16, he connects hope to the fact that it is due to God’s great mercy. And verse 19, we hope that God, who knows all things, will work out a good plan.

4. the omniscience of God.

In verse 22, the author, unable to contain his own uncontrollable anger, begins to speak his mind before God. He asks God to bring severe judgment and curses on his enemies. This should be considered an important part of the Messianic prophecy. Jesus did not curse people and appeal to God in this way at the cross. However, it should be understood that Jesus also experienced this unforgivable situation. God knows from experience the embarrassing situations in which people are humiliated. This is exactly what strengthens our trust in God.

5. gratitude and trust in God

What is important is that God is counting all and allowing us to be in the situation we are in. A just God does not bend justice. Rather, it is better to leave such matters to God. There is no enemy among men except Satan. Even those who are considered enemies are human beings with weaknesses and are loved by God. Therefore, the original way of man is to pray for those who are considered enemies to realize their foolishness, to be led to repentance, and to be restored as God’s family.

In verse 22, the apostle Paul quotes these words from the book of Romans, speaking of the hope of the restoration of Israel. The Jews rejected Jesus. Thus, they lost the opportunity for repentance, and the grace of salvation was turned away from the Jews and toward the Gentiles. But Paul, citing the psalm, makes a grand salvation argument that it is not permanent, but temporary, as in verse 28, for salvation is again brought to the Jews through the Gentiles.

The important thing is that God does what is right for the righteous and the wicked alike. So the author encourages those in the same situation (vv. 32, 33). God will not despise those who truly lean on Him, but will rebuild them, as the resurrection of Jesus symbolizes. Let us walk in faith that there is God’s grace and rest. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. What is the name of the river on the northern border of Edom that separates Edom from Moab? (1) Zerede River, (2) Jabok River, and (3) Arnon River. The answer was (1) Zerede River. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. What is the name of the ceremony used for the Passover festival that will begin on the evening of April 5 this year (2023) in Israel? (1) Haggadah, (2) Torah, (3) Mishnah. I wish you a good day today.