人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書29章 神の言葉は伝わる


 BC597年、ネブカドネツァルは、戦争に敗れたユダヤ人を捕虜とし、バビロンへ強勢的に移住させました。エレミヤはその連れ去られた民に手紙を書き送っています。これが27、28章に続いて起こった出来事であるとすれば、それは、おそらくゼデキヤの第四年(BC593 年)頃の出来事であったのでしょう。









Jeremiah 29: God’s Word Will Be Passed On

1. letter to the captives

 In 597 BC, Nebuchadnezzar took the Jews who had lost the war captive and forcibly relocated them to Babylon. Jeremiah wrote a letter to his taken people. If this was the event that followed chapters 27 and 28, it probably took place around the fourth year of Zedekiah (593 BC).

 At any rate, the Israelites who were taken into captivity were apparently treated with leniency, but there is no doubt that they were subjected to great hardship in their new location. So it is not surprising that the words of the false prophet, who spoke of an early return, captured their hearts. But Jeremiah was telling them that the true God had no plans for an early return. He writes to them about how they should live with hope in this bleak and uncertain time.

First, Jeremiah makes it clear that the return to the homeland will not be in a year or two, but rather 70 years from now (v. 10). Incidentally, Jeremiah prophesies two seventy years. The 70-year captivity spoken of here and the 70-year desolation spoken of in chapter 25 (25:9-11). The Babylonian captivity began in 605 BC, when Jehoiakim succumbed to Nebuchadnezzar and the first captives were taken away (Daniel 1:1), and ended in 536 BC, when King Cross proclaimed the Jews to return home; the 70-year desolation of Jerusalem began in 589 BC, the tenth day of the tenth month, when Jerusalem was besieged and ends with Haggai’s prophecy encouraging the rebuilding of the Temple on the 25th day of the ninth month in 520 BC (Haggai 2:18). So we are encouraged to keep in mind first of all this long-term restoration. So-called recovery is an endurance game. Therefore, he tells us to first be firmly rooted in the land, take up residence, and prosper in it. He also tells us to seek the peace of the city and pray for it. And the interesting advice was not to be deceived by false prophets and not to be swayed by one’s dreams. Human beings live between memories of the past and their desires. An overly strong desire will give the false prophet an opening.

2. pronouncement to the false prophet

 Starting from verse 21, there is a pronouncement against the false prophet. It also speaks of God’s judgment on Shemaiah, the political leader of the Jewish people, who considered Jeremiah’s earlier recommendation of settling in Babylon to be madness and sought to eliminate Jeremiah’s influence. Some of the people in Jerusalem may have witnessed Hananiah’s judgment (28:17) and supported Jeremiah. But the wind against Jeremiah was strong among the leaders who were misled by their own dreams and false prophets. God pronounces that the Shemaiah will not see the good results that God is trying to do.

 Jeremiah faced much opposition as he preached the Word of God, but his efforts did not end in vain. Rather, Jeremiah’s words were conveyed to those who truly served God, and were received and obeyed as the Word of God.

This tells us that what is important for God’s workers is to genuinely strive to speak the Word of God. Free from our own interests and desires, we must listen to the Word of God and continue to speak it without mixing it up. I wish you a good day today.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Who was the prophet who read the book of Jeremiah and realized that the Babylonian captivity would end? (1) Daniel, (2) Haggai, and (3) Malachi. The answer was Daniel (Daniel 9:2). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Who of the following stood in the same position as the false prophet Hananiah and opposed Jeremiah? (1) Baruch, (2) Shemaiah, and (3) Zephaniah. I will give you the answer tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.