人生100倍の視野【聖書】エレミヤ書42章 主の時を待つ










最初に、昨日のクイズです。鳩の糞は、当時、何に使われたでしょうか?①燃料、②食料、③建築材料。答えは②食料です。「鳩の糞」はユリ科の花で、白い花があちこちに咲く様子から名付けられ、「鳥のミルク」「ダビデの星」「ベツレヘムの星」とも呼ばれています。 通常は食料にはなりませんが、飢饉の時、その茎は食料として高く売買されました(2列王6:25)。では、今日の聖書クイズです。次の中で、液体量を計るものに使われる単位はどれでしょうか?①セア、②エパ、③バテ。答えはまた明日。では今日も良き一日であるように祈ります。

Chapter 42 Waiting for the Time of the Lord

1. Israel Questioning God’s Will

 After the Babylonian captivity, a coup d’etat took place in Israel to overthrow the Babylonian rule. However, when the coup was suppressed, the people of Israel gathered with Jeremiah, along with the son of Kaleach (who had been a subordinate of the slain governor Gedaliah) and his officers. They were lost. They were afraid of Babylonian retaliation for the governor’s murder, and they had to decide whether they should flee to Egypt, or whether they should remember God’s protection and stay in the land as the remaining people of Judah. He asked Jeremiah, “May the LORD your God tell us the way we should go and what we should do,” v. 3, and “We will obey the voice of the LORD our God who sent you, whether it is good or bad,” v. 6. That we may be happy in obedience to the voice of the Lord our God.

2. God’s Answer

But God did not answer immediately. Ten days later, God answered Jeremiah. Why did God delay His answer for 10 days? I am not sure. And the Israelites were growing impatient with God’s delayed answer and were now making up their minds to flee to Egypt. Later in chapter 43:4, we learn that at this time Baruch the scribe of Jeremiah was continuing to persuade the Israelites to stay.

But while the Israelites were asking God’s will and saying that they would listen and obey, good or bad, in reality, they had no desire in their hearts to discern God’s will. This reminds us of the episode of Saul, the first king of Israel, who could not wait for Samuel and offered a sacrifice (1 Samuel 13:11).

3. God’s Warning

Verses 10 and following are a warning to the people of Israel, who have such a mealy-mouthed faith and do not rely on God at all. God’s will had already been revealed to them before they questioned Jeremiah. In verse 10, God says, “I will build them up, and will not overthrow them; I will plant them, and will not pull them out. He has reconsidered the wonders”. God is saying that He will surely have mercy. Mercy is a blessing that is totally undeserved. What we need to keep in mind is this one word, the Lord’s mercy, and actually receive it. Jeremiah speaks of the same thing again and again. Jeremiah repeats the same thing: “Remain in the land and receive the mercy of God in the land. And if you flee Chaldea and go to Egypt, he says, the sword of Chaldea will catch up with you.

People ask others for advice, but in reality, they may already have their own answers. In other words, they don’t want someone else’s opinion, they just want a voice to reinforce their own answer. Therefore, if they disagree, they may repeat another counsel without being convinced. But the walk of faith is to listen to what God tells us first, even though we have our own thoughts. Since we are who we are because of God, we must first know God’s will and then obey God. Even if what God says is different from our expectations, when we follow God’s words, we will receive God’s blessings that are beyond our expectations. The blessing for the remaining Israelites was to continue to live in the land of Israel and prosper there, just as God told them to do. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner>

First, yesterday’s quiz. What were pigeon droppings used for in those days? (1) Fuel, (2) Food, (3) Building materials. The answer is (2) food. Dove’s Dung” is a flower of the lily family, named for its white flowers blooming everywhere, also known as “bird’s milk,” “Star of David,” or “Star of Bethlehem. Although not normally used for food, its stalks were sold at a high price as food during times of famine (2 Kings 6:25). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following units is used to measure liquid volume? (1) thea, (2) epa, and (3) bathe. See you tomorrow for the answer. Well, I wish you a good day.