








Chapter 11: Epimanes and the Prophecy of the Antichrist

1. the Greek period.

 The Book of Daniel is written in a spiraling amplification of the same theme. It is much like the New Testament John documents, the Epistles of John and Revelation, where chapter 11 is basically a deepening of what was said in the previous chapters, and the prophecies about Greece are repeated.

 First, let’s keep the casting in mind: in verse 2, after Cyrus, “three kings” are said to arise in Persia. They are Cambyses, Smerdis, and Darios Hystaspis, and the “fourth one” is thought to be Xerxes. Verse 3, “one brave king,” refers to Alexander the Great, who expanded his power rapidly but died at the age of only 32, and after his death, Greece was divided into four parts (8:8). The “king of the south” in verse 5 is Ptolemy, who ruled Egypt, and the “king of the north” in verse 6 is Syria. Thus, from verse 7 onward, the story of the political marriage between the two nations of the south and the north and their struggle for supremacy unfolds. The “he” in verse 18 is Antiochus the Great, “a commander” is Lucius Scipio, the naval leader who defeated Antiochus the Great, and “one man” in verse 20 is Seleucus IV.

2. the persecution of Epimanes

The second half of chapter 11 focuses on this Epiphanes. He was a master of dishonesty and trickery. In reality, however, he was nicknamed Epimanes, meaning “madman. “Verses 21-35 speak of his expedition to Egypt. During the first expedition (v. 24), he failed to complete his goal, and on his way back, he looted and massacred Jerusalem in anger (v. 28). In the second expedition (v. 29), he also failed to achieve his goal (v. 30) due to the interference of the ships of Kittim, or the Roman navy, and on his way back he attacked Jerusalem, abolished the temple worship, built pagan altars, and hurt the Jewish people (v. 31).

 These are the things Daniel tells us in advance of what is to come, but his purpose is not to prophetically reveal the future of history. It is to remind us that such turbulent times are coming and to show us how believers should live under such circumstances. The first half of the book, chapters 1-6, is a collection of testimonies of people who lived in such times. And in the second half, while recounting the history of the rise and fall of empires, there is a clear statement of what a believer should be like: “Those who know their God will stand firm and do things” (v. 32) and “the wise among the people will enlighten many” (v. 33). As such, Epiphanes is the type of the persecutor who challenges the saints. In other words, verse 36 onward is understood as a prophecy of the Antichrist who will persecute the Church eschatologically, i.e., apocalyptically, since it does not correspond to the historical facts and differs from the end of Antiochus; verse 36 “this king” is the Antichrist, the “man of lawlessness” of whom Paul speaks (2 Thessalonians 2:8), the “beast” of whom John speaks (Revelation 13 ). In these difficult times, we should have a heart to run through life beautifully to the end, aiming for the crown of the Lord with the beauty of faith.

<Quiz Corner     

First, here is yesterday’s quiz. Which passage in the book of Jeremiah did Daniel read and found to be announcing the deliverance from the Babylonian captivity? The answer was (1) 29:10, (2) 33:3, and (3) 45:5. The answer is (1) 29:10, (2) 33:3, (3) 45:5, and (4) 5:11,12 are also prophecies concerning the 70th week. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which island in the Mediterranean Sea is referred to as Kittim? (1) Cyprus, (2) Patmos, and (3) Malta. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I pray that you have a good day today.