人生100倍の視野【聖書】ホセア書9章 イスラエルに対する裁きの宣告














Chapter 9: Judgment Pronouncement Against Israel

1. pronouncement of judgment on israel

 Hosea has spoken specifically of Israel’s sins (chapters 7 and 8), and in chapter 9 he calls out to the entire nation, “O Israel,” to speak God’s words of judgment. This was probably during the fall Feast of Tabernacles. He tells them not to “rejoice” and “enjoy” (v. 1) the festival that had been going on as usual, and that it would not bring the results you expect (v. 2).

There was a part of the Israelites that thought that their devotion to the indigenous religion of Canaan, the worship of Baal, the god of fertility, was what had brought them the prosperity they enjoy today. But they were not. They said that this was a terrible mistake, and that if they did not recognize the true God, they would have a bad harvest and their harvest would be trampled by foreign invaders. The God to be feared and expected is not the God of creation, but the true God who created the heavens and the earth and rules this age and history.

The result of not recognizing the true God and living by idols is the suffering of captivity (v. 3). They would be defeated in war and taken away as prisoners of war, where they would eat “unclean things” and abominable foods (v. 3). And worship will also be taken away, he says. The bread of the temple offering will cease to be part of your life, and you will only have bread to eat on a daily basis (v. 5).

In terms of the words of judgment against us today, this would mean that the blessings of the sacraments, the bread and wine that symbolize the broken body of the Lord and the shed blood of the Lord, would be taken away. This is the worst. However, I have had a part of me think that the nearly three years of the Corona Disaster was such a time. We were restricted in both worship and sacramental grace. I can’t help but think how unfortunate this was for them.

Anyway, they say that Israel would thus become like Memphis, one of the famous burial grounds of Egypt. It will be a completely desolate city of death.

2. Baal Peor and Gilgal

 The word “came” in verse 7 is in the perfect tense. It speaks of a day that will surely come in the future. The Assyrian captivity was imminent for Israel, which had not heeded the warning.

From verse 10 onward, the question and answer over the names of the two places, Baal-peor and Gilgal (vv. 10-14, 15-17), illustrate the nature of Israel’s treachery and judgment. God had high expectations for Israel. He looked upon them “as grapes in the wilderness” and “as the firstfruits of the fig tree.” But instead of living up to such expectations of God, they turned to their pagan Baal worship when they encountered the god of Baal, whose home was Mount Beor (v. 10). Hosea offers prayers for “stillborn wombs” and “dry breasts” to replace the fertility prayers they offered.

It is difficult to understand these prayers as if they were prayers for human misfortune, but they should be called antagonistic prayers. It also assumes that all the evil was in Gilgal. Gilgal was in every sense the starting point of Israel. After their escape from Egypt, they came to the Promised Land of Canaan and crossed the Jordan River, which was the military base for their conquest of Canaan. There, twelve memorial stone mounds were erected, a new generation was circumcised, and the first Passover sacrifice was offered. But it was also the place where Saul, the first king who could not wait for God’s command, was deposed. Now Israel, too, is condemned to be deposed for disobedience to God (v. 17).

God is not an imaginary being. He is the true and living God, the God who created heaven and earth and all things, and the God who began and will end human history. God is the One who lives forever and walks with us. Without remembering Him, there is no blessing for us. Let us remember Him and walk with Him. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner  

First, here is the quiz from yesterday. It was Aaron who made the golden calf. Who was the king who made it an object of worship again? (1) Rehoboam, (2) Jaroboam, and (3) Josiah. The answer was (2) Yeroboam. After the Kingdom of Israel was divided into northern and southern parts, Jarobam set up the golden calf at Bethel and Dan as a sanctuary to rival the Jerusalem Temple. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following is not one of the lands that Samuel patrolled each year? (1) Gilgal, (2) Mitzpah, and (3) Jerusalem. The answer will be given tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.