人生100倍の視野【聖書】ホセア書13章 恩知らずのイスラエルへの希望











Chapter 13: Hope for Ungrateful Israel

1. the idolatry of Ephraim

 Hosea has been speaking the word of God to Israel until chapter 12:1. Then, in 12:2-13, he said, “I have a case against Judah (v. 2),” speaking especially against the southern kingdom of Judah, and pressing northern Israel, which was about to be destroyed, to realize and repent. And from 12:14 he was again speaking to Israel as a whole.

 In this 13th chapter, a summative message is given and Ephraim’s sin of idolatry is accused. They are all man-made, he said. Why would anyone worship man-made things as gods?

Verse 2 says, “Let them that offer up man kiss the calf. This may have been a common phrase in those days. It may mean that the calf is God. However, if you think about it rationally and reasonably, the calf cannot be God. If there is a God, He is none other than the One who created the heavens and the earth and delivered Israel out of Egypt (v. 4).

The problem is that those spoken of in this way were by no means ignorant of the God of creation. They were not like the Japanese. They had a history of deep involvement with God. When they were slaves in Egypt, they were delivered by the power of that great God. After that, they were given food in the wilderness, taught how to live, given clothing and all their goods, and returned to Canaan, the promised land, just as God had promised. They were a people with a history of relationship with God, who were further blessed and went on to establish a kingdom (v. 5). Yet they forgot that favor and turned to idolatry. Instead of God who provides, they turned their hearts to the things that God had provided and began to rely on them.

2. The Hope of Ephraim

God is angry at Ephraim’s (Israel’s) sin and says that He will confront them like a lion (v. 7), a leopard (v. 7), a she-bear (v. 9), and a lioness (v. 9). He says that idolaters will be destroyed like “morning mist,” “dew,” “chaff,” and “smoke.” It would seem natural that they, being ungrateful, would be treated in such a manner.

But in verse 14, “I will redeem them from the power of darkness, and from death,” and later, “mercy is hidden from my eyes,” are added. Which is God’s desire, to restore Israel or to say, “You are finished. There is no longer any room for salvation. Which is it? But it is probably an honest statement of God’s complex heart to love Israel. If the episode of Hosea, who forgave his adulterous wife and rebuilt his family, is a demonstration of God’s love, it speaks only of God’s salvation for Israel, who was put to death. The New Testament apostle Paul, in Corinthians 15:54, also speaks of it as a triumphant victory over death for those in Christ and applies it to the meaning of salvation. Where there is repentance, there is hope. No matter how much things may seem that God’s mind is already set, that it cannot be overturned, God’s mercy is flexible. God does not fail to hear even the smallest repentance, which is like an exhaled breath. God’s mercy is deeper than we can imagine. That is why God still demanded repentance at a time when the Northern Kingdom of Israel was sure to be destroyed by the Assyrians. It is never too late to repent. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner  

First, yesterday’s quiz. Where is the place where Jacob is said to have wrestled with God on his way back to his hometown? (1) Shechem, (2) Penuel, and (3) Bethel. The answer was (2) Penuel (Genesis 32:26). Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the following is the name of the place that is considered to be the capital of Aram? (1) Turo, (2) Damascus, and (3) Ur. The answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today!