人生100倍の視野【聖書】ゼカリヤ書7章 断食に相応しい生活実践











Zechariah 7: Lifestyle Practices Appropriate for Fasting

1. the fasting controversy

 The vision is up to the previous six chapters. From this chapter, the message is a direct episodic message. In other words, a man named Bethel asked Zechariah a question about fasting. If the temple were rebuilt, would it be necessary to continue to observe the fast of the fifth month (2 Kings 25:8) that began during the captivity, a fast that remembered, mourned, and commanded the destruction of Jerusalem? Their concern was to reduce fasting, which they felt had no significance (8:19).

Incidentally, in Zechariah’s time, four fasts were instituted each year: the fourth lunar month, which marked the day the city walls were breached (Jeremiah 39:2); the seventh lunar month, which marked the killing of Gedaliah (2 Kings 25:25; Jeremiah 41:1); the tenth lunar month, which marked the beginning of the siege of Nebuchadnezzar’s city (2 Kings 25:1-2; Jeremiah 39:1); and these special days have been kept as holy days for over 60 years.

What was God’s response? God did not talk about reducing the number of times, but asked them what they were fasting for (v. 5). It was an essential question. The point was that although they said they were fasting for God, in reality, they were fasting for themselves. It made us wonder if it was self-indulgent and for our own satisfaction. In fact, the fast of the fifth month is meaningful only if it is done to grieve for having once defied God’s will and to deeply repent for our sinfulness and foolishness. In reality, however, it was only to wallow in self-pity. So, for those who did not understand the deeper meaning of the fast, it was really a boring and tiresome fast, and they wondered how long they would continue to do it.

2. fasting and daily life

Then, in verse 8, God adds a few words. It is not a question of whether or not to fast (religious rituals), but rather, “Conduct true judgment and show sincerity and mercy to one another. Do not mistreat the widow, the orphan, the sojourner, or the poor. Do not plot evil in your hearts against one another” (v. 9). In other words, you may fast, but you should practice the spirit of fasting in your daily routine. Rather than taking special time to spend time in a supposedly religious manner, it is more important to bear the fruit of repentance before God in one’s daily life.

Faith is not so much about some special act as it is about our daily, moment-to-moment life practice itself. But sometimes the reality of the faithful is otherwise. They say they value worship, but they are satisfied if they attend worship services. They say they cherish prayer, but they only need to pray with a lot of beautiful phrases. It becomes a performance, a pretense of faithfulness to others. You are not facing God properly. The result is formal faith, idolatry, and rebellion against the true God.

I am sure that many of you have been made to think deeply about the meaning and essence of faith, church, worship, sacraments, mission, and so on, through the three years of Covid. Some say that they were not worshipping God, but worshipping to entertain themselves through self-satisfying programs; others say that they were dedicated to the work of the church, but in reality, it was cool to think so and they wanted to be appreciated by others for it, a foolish reality that made them realize their reality. I think I am an honest person. And I don’t think that is a bad Christian. I think that is the reality of humanity. Rather, I believe that when we are made aware of our reality, we should think deeply about how we should really be, change what needs to be changed, and live in a way that is truly pleasing to God, which is the proof that we are living in a living faith. I hope that we will not only keep the form of our faith, but let us walk in a way that gives form to the essence of our faith. I pray that you have a good day today.

<Quiz Corner          

First, yesterday’s quiz. In what symbolic meaning does the Bible often use the color black? (1) death, sorrow, (2) sin, warfare, (3) purity. The answer was (1) death, sorrow. Incidentally, red symbolizes (2) sin and warfare, and white symbolizes (3) cleanliness. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. In the time of Zechariah, fasting was prescribed four times a year. In the New Testament, how many times a week did the Pharisees fast? (1) once, (2) twice, (3) three times. I will give you the answer tomorrow. Now, I pray that today will be another good day.