Matthew 1: The Genealogy and Birth of Jesus Christ
Good morning. This is Pastor Makoto. Today we begin our sixth season. Continuation is power. If you pick up the Bible daily and feed your heart with it, there are things that will naturally nourish you. For another three and a half years, let us renew our commitment to reading through the entire Bible. Even if you fall behind in the process, keep going. As your Bible reading deepens, your Bible reading will naturally increase.
1. the genealogy of Jesus Christ
Matthew’s Gospel begins with the genealogy of Jesus Christ, “King of the Jews” and “Son of David. This genealogy, with its list of katakana names, may seem boring at first glance, but it is in fact an important beginning that connects the Old Testament and the New Testament. In broad strokes, this genealogy is an elaborate work of art. It divides the history of about 42 generations, or 2,000 years, into three sections of 14 generations each. The periods of time are unevenly spaced (1,000 years, 400 years, and 600 years, respectively), and there are some omissions. In a sense, it is a simplified genealogy, but there is a reason why Matthew chose it to begin with.
The Jews were a people who valued the purity of their blood and the preservation of their genealogy, because they believed that the promised Messiah would be born of their descendants. When a boy was born, they would update their genealogy and report it to the Temple in Jerusalem. In this sense, this genealogy is an important proof that Jesus is the promised Messiah. Moreover, it is said that Herod, the king of the time, felt inferior to his own lineage and ordered the burning of the Jewish genealogy. Furthermore, it is said that when the Roman Empire conquered Jerusalem in AD 70, all the genealogical records stored in the temple were also burned, and all such records were lost. In other words, this genealogy shows that the only person who can still show historical evidence of being the son of David, as prophesied in the Old Testament, is Jesus Christ.
2. Interesting Genealogy
Now let’s look at the genealogy in a little more detail. A quick look at this genealogy reveals the names of four women: Tamar (verse 3), Rahab, Lutz (verse 5), and Uriah’s wife (verse 6). Each of them is a person of some sort. Tamar bore her father-in-law’s son while posing as a prostitute, and Rahab was a prostitute. Ruth was a Gentile woman who was forbidden to join the Jewish congregation, and Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah, was a married woman who was taken into the royal palace after her husband was killed by King David. Thus, this genealogy, while providing historical evidence that Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah, is so disgraceful in its content that it should be proudly spread to the world. It is not something to be proudly spread out for the world to see. It tells the history of the Davidic royal family, a history filled with ugly stories. But the promised Messiah was born in the midst of such a real world of sinners, and our Savior is precisely the One who came down to our immediate world, who did not refuse to be born with an unclean genealogy.
3. the birth of Jesus Christ (Jesus as man and God)
From verse 18, we are told what actually happened when Jesus was born. There was a reason for this. In other words, in those days in Israel, engagement meant de facto marriage. But during that period, Mary was pregnant without the knowledge of her husband Joseph. Matthew tells us that this was not an incident, but a miracle of God through the Holy Spirit. Matthew has already spoken of Jesus’ human origins in the first half of chapter 1, and now he will speak of His divine origins in the second half. Jesus was born as the Son of God, even though He was born as a human being.
The implication is that this was the starting point for the fact that “God is with us” in verse 23. God made Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, to stand at the bottom of the human race, bearing the sordid history of the Davidic royal family, and from there He began His work of salvation. God is not a person who is high in the sky and far away, but a person who walks with us in our lives. I pray that today will be another good day.