【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マタイの福音書2章 東方の博士とヘロデ王









1. visit of the Doctors of the East

It was Dionysius Exiguus, a 6th century Roman abbot, who established the date of Jesus’ birth as the first year AD. The actual date of Jesus’ birth is thought to be around BC5 or 6. Matthew tells us that when Jesus was born in Bethlehem, Magi came from the east. To the east of Jerusalem is Babylon, where the Jews were taken captive in the Babylonian Captivity in the 6th century BC. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Messiah prophecy written in the Old Testament was known there. They say that they were guided by the light of a mysterious star that announced the birth of the Messiah.

Various theories have been proposed as to what this mysterious star might have been: a great explosion of stars, a shooting star, a comet, etc. Of these, the most plausible theory is that it was the Messiah. The most plausible of these is the one proposed by the astronomer Kepler, who proposed that once every 800 years, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn meet in a great close encounter. In fact, that is believed to have happened around the 6th-7th century BC. However, it is not always necessary to explain what is written in the Bible scientifically and rationally. Since God is the creator of heaven, earth, and all things, it should be easy for Him to cause special supernatural signs. An ordinary star shining above all people might have seemed like a special light to Magi from the East who believed in the Messianic prophecy.

2. Herod, who was afraid

Now, in verse 3, King Herod is upset when he hears about the birth of the Messiah. Herod was a very capable king. The remains of his great achievements, such as the elevated aqueduct, the Jerusalem Temple, and the fortress of Masada, can still be seen in Israel today. His abilities were obvious to all, but he was an Edomite. To the Jews, an Edomite was a descendant of Esau, Jacob’s brother, and was considered a worldly man, a lesser man than the Jews. In order to win the respect of the Jews as their king, he took Mariamne, the queen of the Hasmonean dynasty, a prominent Jewish family, as his wife. However, this did not make up for his inferiority complex, and he eventually fell into an aberration that led him to kill anyone he considered a threat to his throne, whether they were his wife or his children. Then Jesus, rumored to be the “King of the Jews,” was born. It is no wonder that the people of Jerusalem were fearful and perplexed. The king gave the order to kill all Jewish boys under the age of two. Although it is said that the number of Jewish boys killed was only about 20, considering the population of the time, it was still a major event.

3. Return to Japan under God’s protection

However, both Jesus and the Magi from the East were protected by God and escaped from this critical situation. Matthew records Jesus’ family’s escape to Egypt and their return to live in the city of Nazareth, each of which he says was a fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. The distinctive feature of Matthew’s writing is that he tells us that Jesus is the promised Messiah, as prophesied in the Old Testament. The important thing would be the purpose of Jesus’ appearance in the world according to that prophecy. The key is verse 6, “A ruler will come out of you to shepherd my people Israel.” These words are to be understood symbolically, not literally. Jesus was born a prince of the House of David, but in reality the House of David had already fallen and disappeared from the stage of history. But as promised, Jesus will be raised from their descendants and will be the one who will rule and provide for us.

Starting tomorrow, the life of Jesus will be described in detail, showing what happened as promised. It seemed as if God’s promises, such as they were, had disappeared, but in fact, they had not. God is true. People may forget, but God never forgets. Let us read, savor, and trust the truthfulness of God. I wish you a good day today.