【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ルカの福音書5章 神の子イエスに従う









Luke 5: Following Jesus, the Son of God

1. the first disciple (5:1-11)

In chapter 4, Luke writes that Satan and demons recognized Jesus as the Son of God, but the people back home did not. Here in chapter 5, he writes that Jesus showed several signs that specifically testified of Himself as the Son of God, and that there were those who, recognizing His invitation, accepted Him and became His disciples.

The first sign is the miracle of the great catch. In those days, fishing at night and in shallow water was considered to bring good results. However, the day’s fishing was fruitless. Then Jesus appeared and gave advice that overturned the traditional way of thinking. He advised them to fish in broad daylight and in the depths. He followed Jesus’ advice, and to his surprise, he caught so many fish that he almost sank the boat.

Peter was probably thinking, “We know more about fishing than he does, but if the teacher says so, then so be it. But through this incident, he understands that Jesus is more than just a Bible teacher. He then leaves his job and becomes Jesus’ attendant. For Peter, it may have seemed that he was now at a turning point in his life, and that now was the time to change the way he should live.

2. healing of a serious skin disease

In verse 12, Luke tells us that Jesus healed a skin disease that was greatly feared in the past. Then, in verse 17, he says it was by the power of God. The important part would be verse 18, the story of the forgiveness of the sins of the man with the gout. Luke does not simply state that Jesus healed the man’s physical ailment, but that he proclaimed the forgiveness of his sins. All religions have miracle stories of healing illnesses. But the uniqueness of Jesus’ miracle story is the declaration of the forgiveness of sins. What is unique to Christianity and not to other religions is the story of the forgiveness of sins of all mankind through the cross. This is the distinctive feature of Christianity, which pronounces forgiveness of sins to those who are afflicted and suffering from their own guilt rather than being afflicted with illness or having difficulties in life, and gives peace to their souls. In fact, it was this point that antagonized religious opponents of Jesus. If Jesus had been rumored to be a showman, healing the sick, they would have dismissed it as absurd. But for the Jews, only God can forgive sins. They could not stand the fact that Jesus was acting as if he were God. But Jesus proudly declares in verse 24, “That you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins” and that He is the Savior promised in the Old Testament.

3. the calling of Matthew the tax collector

Beginning in verse 27, another disciple, Levi, follows Jesus. He is also known as Matthew in Matthew’s Gospel. He was a tax collector who was treated like a robber in the Jewish society of his day. But Jesus, the Son of God, is not prejudiced. The true God we believe in is the one who treats people regardless of the world’s evaluations, the world’s standards, and so on. Jesus loved Matthew. God’s standard is different from that of human beings. We should not think of God in the same way as we do. God does not think in the same way as human beings. That is why the coming of Jesus, the Son of God, was the beginning of a new era full of grace. We want to receive the new life of Jesus and shape a new life.