【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ルカの福音書18章 祈りの教え










Luke 18: Teaching on Prayer

1. teaching on prayer (18:1-17)

We have already mentioned that Matthew and Luke differ somewhat in their teaching on prayer. In today’s passage, Luke is trying to teach Theophilo, a Gentile, what it means to pray to God.

First, the example of one widower. At that time women could not go to court alone and needed an intermediary. But this woman probably had no one to mediate her appeal. In the end, all she did was to scream from outside the courthouse, no matter what she had to do. The loudness and persistence of her cries made the judge, a righteous intercessor, sit up and take notice. So Jesus says. If the judge lacked humanity, how could a God of love not be moved by the prayers that are pleaded day and night? And.

The question, verse 8, is whether we have the heart to recognize such a God of love. Furthermore, whether there is such a lowly heart toward God, which is what the ensuing prayers of the Pharisee and the tax collector imply. In contrast to the Pharisee who prays to God with an arrogant heart, we are told of the tax collector who desperately clings to God, even though he knows that he is a sinner who is not even allowed to approach God. Prayer is an act of receiving God’s mercy. It is not an act of having God acknowledge you.

Furthermore, in the parable of the little child, children usually take for granted that their parents will do something for them. Basically, prayer must also have such a sense of taking God for granted. God will always move. In reality, however, as a leader says in verse 18, “What if I do something? We think of God’s blessing as a reward, not a blessing. But God is not an employer. He is a father who loves us deeply. If we truly understand this, our attitude toward God will change.

2. a God who sees into our hearts (18:18-43)

In fact, if we see God as a father rather than an employer, we will not make our faith a religion that defends doctrines. The leader here boldly states that he keeps all of God’s commandments, the Ten Commandments, but then, verse 22, when asked if you are living a life so sincerely devoted to God, he cannot answer this. It is not that difficult to live superficially as a devout believer. But if God feels our hearts as families feel each other’s hearts, who is to say that I can enter the Kingdom of God without a doubt? Who can say that? No one. But Jesus says in verse 27, “What no man can do, God can do.

In other words, like the tax collector, when I cling to God, asking Him to help me and let me into His Kingdom, He accepts me, even though I am a human being like a piece of trash who cannot keep the Ten Commandments or do anything that will make God like me. These are not words of comfort, but words confirmed by the cross of Jesus in verse 32. He is saying, “Behold the cross of Jesus, a sign of God’s love for sinners and evidence of his blessing.

The last episode, the blind man’s episode, is a summary of the teaching on prayer. He is a good example, verses 7 and 8, of one who cried out to God in faith. The more he was prevented, the more he cried out. And God answered his appeal. Now, let God know what is in your heart. I wish you a good day today.