【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ヨハネの福音書 19章 十字架の御業の完成








John 19: Completion of the Work of the Cross

1. trial by Pilate (19:1-13)

Jesus was tried and sentenced to death in a Roman-style trial. The charge was treason against the Roman Empire, claiming to be the King of the Jews. Pilate knew that this was not a serious accusation. So he actually tried to get Jesus released by citing the robber Barabbas and by flogging and chastising Jesus. But the Jews were rejecting Jesus to no end, and in the end they continued to cry out for him to be crucified.

Pilate fears that Jesus was called the “Son of God. At the time, that was the name used by the Roman emperor to refer to him. Who in the world is this man? Where did he come from? Pilate was puzzled by Jesus being accused by the Jews. But finally, a voice came to Pilate’s mind. If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Everyone who makes himself king is disobeying Caesar” (v. 12). Pilate was brought back to reality. This was a story about a country that was not of this world, a story that did not care about truth. Pilate, as if in the heat of the moment, admits Jesus’ guilt and turns him over to the Jews for crucifixion. We cannot laugh at Pilate for stopping to think. It is our reality. We are in a position to do justice, but we are unable to do so, and that is our reality. The difference between Jesus, who accepts the flogging and this unjust treatment without hesitation, and Pilate, who is swept away by weakness, was the depth of his connection with God. If one does not recognize God and thinks only in the context of this reality, one cannot help but be swallowed up by such weakness. Even if one acknowledges God, if one’s connection with God is not strong, one is at the mercy of the weakness of one’s heart, which cannot be helped.

2. crucifixion of Jesus (19:12-42)

Thus, Jesus was crucified, but He Himself said, “It is finished,” knowing that all His mission had been accomplished by this, and He went to heaven. God’s plan of salvation for mankind is now complete. The New Testament letter to the Hebrews explains the meaning of the cross of Jesus in light of the Jewish culture. Simply put, the Japanese believe that “sins are washed away,” while the Jews believe that “sins are forgiven by the shedding of blood. This is the reason why they have repeatedly performed the ritual of slaughtering sacrificial animals on the altar and pouring their blood on the altar since ancient times. It was against this background that Jesus hung on the cross. In other words, Jesus’ crucifixion is the last offering to mankind, the once and for all. No more offerings are left after this, no more rituals will be repeated, and the forgiveness of mankind’s sins is complete. The forgiveness of mankind’s sins is complete! So it is.

No matter how outwardly respectable a person may appear, there is no doubt that inside he or she still harbors sins and desires. A person who would say, “I have no sin, I am a good person,” would be a liar without a care in the world. And when such people gather in heaven, it is no longer heaven, but an extension of this world. Who can have hope in such an afterlife?

If there is an afterlife that is truly holy and full of blessings, it can only be entered by those who confess before the cross of Jesus that it was for the forgiveness of their sins, repent of their sins, and seek to prepare themselves to be fit for the Kingdom. The Apostle Paul said, “God made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God in Him. For God so loved the world that He gave Himself for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him” (2 Corinthians 5:21). The cross of Jesus gives hope to mankind after death, and believing in it is the first condition for entering the Kingdom of God. So I pray that you have a good day today.