【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】ヨハネの福音書20章 神の栄光を信じる










John 20: Believing in the Glory of God

1. the empty tomb (20:1-18)

On the morning after the Sabbath, Mary came to the place where Jesus was buried while it was still dark. If you read and compare the events in this area with Matthew, Mark, and Luke, you will see that they are different. The appearance of the angel, the location of the angel, the circumstances of Mary’s encounter with Jesus, and Peter’s identification of the empty tomb are all different. The closest in content would be Mark and John. One wonders which one is closer to the facts.

At any rate, the important fact that John reminds us of is verse 9: “They did not yet understand the Scriptures that Jesus must be raised from the dead. John says that although his memory of the past is even slightly fuzzy, it was true that he was resurrected, and that they did not understand what the Bible said about Jesus’ resurrection.

What is more, there is no record of Jesus’ ascension in John. As tomorrow’s reading of chapter 21 will make even more clear, John records from the crucifixion to the resurrection, painting a picture of Jesus on his way back to his heavenly Father and putting down his pen. He does not record the words of the command to preach, as in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke. Why is this? Perhaps he was thinking of the readers of this gospel. John’s main message to his readers, who at that time were facing the hardship of persecution and the threat of death, was the image of Jesus, who endured the suffering of the cross. There was comfort in Jesus’ death on the cross. It means that even the earliest disciples did not understand, and needed to be taught. And in verse 17, Jesus’ words to Mary, “I go up to Him who is my God and your God,” which only John records, indicate that that Jesus, facing death on the cross, was on His way back to the glory of His heavenly Father. In other words, John is trying to tell his readers that you are now suffering the same sufferings as Jesus, and therefore, like Jesus, you are about to return to the Father in glory.

2. peace be with you.

The purpose of the episode from verse 19 onward becomes clear: In verse 19, Jesus appears to the disciples, who are gathered together in fear of the Jews. This must have been the very situation of the church at that time under persecution. To these believers, whose faith was being tested and who were gathering together, John tries to remind them that the invisible Holy Spirit is with them, saying, “Peace be with you.

John then takes up the episode of Thomas, with the assumption that Christians who are careful and yet unable to have peace. And simply trusting in God, verse 27, he urges him to “become a believer, not an unbeliever.” Thus, instead of being stigmatized as a dishonorable unbeliever, Thomas is a good example to the readers of the time, eliciting from them a confession of faith, “My Lord and my God.

Thus the Gospel, unlike Matthew, Mark, and Luke, was not simply written for educational and missionary purposes, but rather for the purpose of supporting Christians in the deeper aspects of their faith. Believers who waver between faith and unbelief are not crazy. What is important is that they, like Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman, need a direct, heart-to-heart dialogue with Jesus. And as they talk to each other, they need to deepen their conviction of faith, v. 31.

If there really is a God, then there is a deepening of faith. And faith does not happen by trying hard to believe. It is something that comes naturally as we encounter Jesus and talk with Him intimately. Humble and humble submission to God and talking with Him through the Bible is what makes our faith grow. I pray that today will be another good day.