1 Corinthians Chapter 16 – Closing Words
1. Reflections
Today is the final chapter of First Corinthians. Let’s take a moment to look back. First, in chapters 1-6, Paul talks about the divisions in the Corinthian church, the immorality, the lawsuits, etc., that he heard from the house of Chloe. Then chapters 7-14 are answers to the questions he received by letter. The first ten chapters dealt with what attitude one should have regarding marriage and meat offered to idols, and the second half dealt with what worship, sacraments, and church training should be like.
2 No Church is Without Problems
It is important to note that the problems that occurred in the church at Corinth are by no means a thing of the past. There is no church without problems of varying degrees. Nevertheless, the church is beloved of God. The church is an assembly of saved sinners. It is a gathering of those who seek to complete their salvation. In other words, even though there are people who may not even consider themselves Christians, there is guidance by God’s Word, and the sign of the church is that it has been dealt with by God’s Word.
That is why it is significant that the last chapter, chapter 15, deals with the issue of the resurrection, which is the source of the practice of faith. There is nothing that truly gives life and renews the Church except the power of the Resurrection. In this sense, the Church needs above all prayers for the power of resurrection life to work in the Church. Your prayer of faith is needed.
3. Topics of Chapter 16
Now, in chapter 16, Paul again deals with practical matters. These are ideas about money, opportunities, and people.
First, about giving (vv. 1-4). Paul was about to give an offering to the poor saints in Jerusalem. It was an expression of their love as God’s family. Here he talks about how to collect the offering. In other words, he is saying that each of us should bring to the Sunday service what we have prepared in advance. The Bible and the hymns are not the only things that should be prepared for worship the day before. There is also an offering and a prayer that the offering will be used.
Next is the opportunity (vv. 5-9). Paul wanted to visit the church in Corinth. But Paul knew in his heart that it was God who would provide the opportunity (v. 7). The life of a Christian is to serve God. God’s will comes first and our thoughts come second. But God knows our thoughts. God is love.
Finally, about people (vv. 10-24). Paul almost always ends his letters with a personal greeting. Biblical scholar Berkeley wrote: “We must be like soldiers to the people and things that threaten the Christian faith from without, but to those within the church we must be both warriors and lovers. In the life of a Christian there must be a courage that never retreats and a love that never betrays. We must cherish the church we have been given now. And to cultivate relationships that will keep us connected to each other, even when we may leave by God’s providence. I believe I have made many mistakes in this regard. But it is Satan and the devil that we see as our enemies, not our brothers and sisters. We love each other, that is the church.
So God bless you, and please come and listen to the message directly when you come to Futakotamagawa, Setagaya. See you tomorrow on this channel.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
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