【シーズン6】コリント人への手紙第二12章 弱さを誇る【聖書】人生100倍の祝福














2 Corinthians 12 Boasting in weakness

1. The boasting of Paul’s spiritual experience (12:1-10)

 As I mentioned yesterday, Paul’s boasting continues. This time he boasts about his spiritual experience. Paul’s opponent was very eloquent (11:5-6), boasting about the abundance of his spiritual experiences, such as visions, revelations (12:1), signs and wonders. Paul said, “I have also experienced such things.

So Paul is talking about the experience of being lifted up to paradise. Not the Damascus experience. Perhaps he did not want to put this wonderful experience with Christ in the same category. In any case, the experience that Paul is talking about is thought to have happened 14 years before this letter was written. In other words, this letter is thought to have been written in Philippi in the autumn of 57 AD, on his third missionary journey, so working backwards from there, it was around 43 AD, not long after Paul’s conversion. Paul was still an unknown man (Ac 9:30), and it is thought that this event took place before he was found by Barnabas and brought to the church in Antioch (Ac 11:25-26).

Incidentally, the New Revised Version and the New Common Translation describe it as the experience of “a man” or “he”. Jewish teachers of the time were in the habit of speaking of their own experiences in the third person, so Paul was speaking of his own experience in this way.

2. Paul’s boast of weakness

Anyway, as he talks about this experience, he says that he would rather boast about his weakness than about such things (v.5). He says that it is completely empty to boast about a spiritual experience.

So Paul speaks of his God-given thorn in the flesh. It is thought that he is referring to the eye disease he had, or the after-effects of the malaria fever he had contracted.

Even if you believe in God and have enough of a spiritual experience, you can still be afflicted with other pains and sufferings. But Paul believes that they are natural and can be put aside without trying to get rid of them. He says that these are pains that God has left behind so that people do not fall into pride. I certainly agree. It is a necessary thing to make Christ our Lord, to be humbled under Him and to taste more of His power (v.10, Philippians 2:15).

3. the lonely worker Paul (12:11-21)

Finally we are told about Paul, the lonely worker. No one defended Paul. Normally the people of the church in Corinth would have defended Paul, who had laid the foundation of their church. But since this was not the case, Paul fights a physical battle, exposing even his own weakness.

On the other hand, Paul does not criticise the Corinthian church for being so heartless. Paul is like a mother to the Corinthian church (v.14). Certainly parenting can be a time of shame and pain for children who don’t understand. But even so, it is the parent who cares for the growth of the child, saying, “All this is for your building up” (v.19). Only then can the church be nourished. Paul says: “For the sake of your souls”. Paul says: “Spend your goods with great joy for the sake of your souls, and spend yourselves” (v. 15).

Like everything else, those at the top experience loneliness. They may have no one to defend them or help them. And there are times when they are treated harshly. But we are not discouraged, we trust in God who is with us, and we build the Church together with God with a heart of love.

God’s word is true. So may God bless you all. See you tomorrow on this channel.