人間が、天地創造のまことの神、自分たちを創造された神を認め、その神の権威のもとに遜って集まって生きる、そこに全人類が一つにされる鍵があります。パウロは、この奥義が、はっきり語られ、伝わるように祈ってください、というのです。やはり、祈りの最終的なゴールは、全人類の上に神の平和が実現することです。そのために、自分の教会の牧師のために、また、団体で送り出している宣教師のために、祈りましょう! もちろん、身近な家族に、友人・知人に語っている兄弟姉妹のために、も祈りましょう。実は、小さな、身近な証しこと、魂を勝ち取る最も重要な要素です。
Colossians 4: Prayer Recommendations and Greetings
1. Pray (4:1-6)
Paul tells us to pray. Prayer is a testimony of a living relationship with Jesus. It is the act of acknowledging that one’s entire life depends on Jesus. One cannot go one step further without His strength. When prayer is absent from the life of a Christian, they live as they did before baptism. Their old interests and desires are swallowed up by the currents of society. The life that seeks what is above and desperately clings to God is different. It is not like a dead fish that is simply swept away by the current of the river.
And when you pray, you will see that you are not alone in your needs. People who feel unhappy are the ones who think they are the most unhappy. They think they are full of themselves. But it is not so. When awareness is given, you can take your needs under your arm rationally and objectively. Then you will understand the importance of praying with that person. You will pray that he/she will be happy. You will pray that his/her heart will be at peace and that he/she will be healthy. In the end, you will be able to pray with him/her.
When Paul says “mystery” in verse 3, he means two things. One is the salvation of the cross in Christ. And the other is that through this salvation all, Jew and Gentile alike, are made one.
When people recognize the true God of creation, the God who created them, and come together to live in reverence under His authority, that is the key to the unity of all humanity. Paul asks us to pray that this profound truth may be clearly spoken and communicated. After all, the ultimate goal of prayer is the realization of God’s peace over all mankind. To this end, pray for the pastors of your own churches. Also, pray for the missionaries you send out in your organizations! Of course, let us also pray for our brothers and sisters who speak to their immediate families and to their friends and acquaintances. In fact, small, familiar testimonies are the most important factor in winning souls.
Always be alert, take advantage of opportunities, and speak with wisdom. It is true that people will not open their hearts to someone who speaks directly from the Bible, but they will listen to someone who uses the same Bible but speaks wisdom that removes the obstacles from people’s hearts. The gospel also depends on how we speak it. It will be well spoken.
2. greeting (4:7-18)
Finally, Paul brings greetings from his own people (vv. 7-11). Tychico is from Rome. He went to bring gifts to the poor Christians in Jerusalem (Ac 20:4) and carried the letter to the Ephesians (Eph 6:21). Onesimo is the runaway slave in Philemon, but here he had already repented and become a Christian. He is called a faithful and beloved brother. Aristarchus, a Macedonian from Thessalonica (Ac 20:4). He was captured by the mob during the riot at the temple of Artemis (Ac 19:29), and later, when Paul was imprisoned in Rome (Ac 27:2), he rushed to Paul’s side and was a good companion to Paul. Mark, Barnabas’ cousin, was Peter’s interpreter. Peter called Mark “my son” (1 Peter 5:13), and Paul did not take him seriously at first (Ac 13:13). But his reputation changed (Philemon 24, 2 Timothy 4:11). Epaphras is a pastor in the Colossian church (Colossians 1:7). He was the overseer of Hierapolis, Laodecia, and Colossae. Luke was a physician and stayed with Paul until the end (2 Timothy 4:11). Demas was a companion of Paul (Philemon 24), but here he is just Demas (Colossians 4:14), who eventually becomes a man who leaves Paul (2 Timothy 4:10). Numpa and the church in his home. At that time there was no church building, indicating that the home was the church.
Paul finishes his greeting by saying that there is a letter circulating in Colossae from Laodicea that he would like you to read (v.16). This letter is not in the Bible. Paul is encouraging Alcippo. He seems to be speaking to us as well: “Be careful and do well in the ministry you have received in the Lord. We need to remember that we have been entrusted with a ministry in the Lord. We have been baptized and have decided to live a new life. Thus, we should walk clearly with a new goal in mind.”
God’s Word is true. God bless you and see you tomorrow on this channel.