【シリーズ6】ローマ人への手紙16章 推薦状【聖書】人生100倍の祝福













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 〒158-0094 東京都世田谷区玉川4-10-20、B1F福井誠

Romans 16 Greetings

1. greetings to the Romans (16:1-16)

The last 16 chapters are said to have been not a part of the letter but a letter of recommendation for Phoebe that accompanied the letter (chapters 1-15). In other words, it is believed to have been an annex to introduce Phoebe, the female steward of the church of Kenkreya, who carried this letter to the church in Rome. She was a person who had assisted not only Paul but also many other workers (v. 2), and it is likely that Paul’s sending of greetings from verse 3 onward, counting up the names of 26 individuals and five families, was in anticipation of a warm welcome for Phoebe.

In reality, however, Paul had never yet visited Rome. Some have questioned how he could have known so many people, then. Some therefore believe that this was another letter written not to Rome but to Ephesus. Scholarly research, however, seems to favor the Roman theory.

At any rate, Paul’s friendship is neither shallow and broad nor deep and narrow, but deep and broad. How is it possible to have such a relationship? You might think, “How could he have such a relationship? But it is possible. The Christian relationship is a relationship that is just the way it is. It is a relationship where both parties are aware that they are insignificant sinners, where both accept the other as they are, and where they try to overcome any hardship together with love. If this is the case, then a deep relationship, and a deep and broad relationship, can also occur.

Of course, not all Christians try to live with such a relationship in mind. So some relationships can be disappointing or disappointing. In fact, Paul had such an experience. However, the church is the family of God. And the church is a group of fellow workers whose purpose is to witness to Jesus. With that purpose, there will be times when we will be taken off our feet and hurt. But we can also enjoy a deep and broad relationship with a firm attitude of openness and sincerity.

2.The Father of Rufus

It is thought that the father of Rufus in verse 13 may have been Simon the Cretan, who bore the cross of Jesus (Mark 15:21). In other words, there was a drama in which his family worked closely with Paul and used it as an opportunity to witness to the resurrected life of Jesus. What the Christian church in Japan needs today is such a connection for missionary work. As I grow older, I realize that a life that only thinks about satisfying oneself will eventually feel empty. We become attached to our own insatiable desires. Unless you live a life that helps others or pleases God, you will never be satisfied.

3.Warning and Doxology (16:17-27)

Verses 17 through 20 are a warning to those who confuse the church by teaching things that are not biblical. It is true that there are all kinds of people in the church. As Paul says, there are those who are Christians in name only, on the surface, and inwardly they are considered unbelivers. But such people are left to God, and that is the church (v.20). God will remove them without the interference of man.

Beginning in verse 21, Paul’s co-workers greet him, and he concludes with a doxology. The doxology section should probably be called a summary of the gospel. It is God who strengthens us. When we stand in faith that there is a God who lives and celebrates us, there is no disappointment in life. We have finished reading Romans. Let’s continue with the challenge to finish reading 1 Corinthians.

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