【シーズン6】人生100倍の祝福【聖書】マルコの福音書3章 神の心に触れて生きる









Mark 3: Living in Touch with the Heart of God

1. conflict over the Sabbath (3:1-12)

I would like to add a little more about the conflict over the Sabbath in the second half of chapter 2 that we discussed yesterday. Matthew also addresses the same conflict in chapter 12 (3-4, 7-8), but Mark’s writing style is really quite simple when compared to the reading. So it has been suggested that perhaps the original teaching that Jesus gave was Matthew’s, and that Mark, with the Romans in mind, omitted the parts that were of little interest to them. We do not know the truth of this. At any rate, in being criticized for breaking the Sabbath, Jesus showed himself to be a greater authority than Moses or even David. That is to say, He was very provocative to religious scholars.

The Sabbath commandment, by the way, is specifically found in Exodus 20:8-11. Moses forbade work on the Sabbath (Ex. 20:10), “Do not kindle a fire (for cooking)” (Ex. 35:3), and do not gather firewood (Numbers 15:32). In later times, this Sabbath commandment was supplemented by rules against carrying baggage (Jeremiah 17:21) and selling grain and food (Nehemiah 10:31; 13:15). In later times, many detailed rules were established for keeping the Sabbath, such as how far one could travel on the Sabbath day and what work one could do on the Sabbath day. In Jesus’ day, keeping these rules was faith itself! However, in the first place, I wonder if the Jews of that time also fell into the problematic nature of interpretation without regard to context. After all, in Moses’ day, “Do not kindle a fire (for cooking)” had to do with the food manna obtained in the wilderness. Originally, the application of that commandment should have been reconsidered when the wilderness life ended and the lifestyle changed. In other words, if we directly apply the commandments of that time period to our time period without taking into consideration what the Bible was saying to the first readers of the time period in which it was written and how it applies to us today, we will end up in a strange interpretation

2. the meaning of the Sabbath

The Sabbath was originally intended to bring rest to mankind, to provide divine healing and restoration (Gen. 2:2, 3). God established the Sabbath to bless mankind. Verse 4: “Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good, to save life, or to kill? A faith that loses common sense and stubbornly adheres to the tenets of faith becomes a dangerous faith that destroys families and kills lives. Isn’t this what the problem of new religions in the media is all about?

Jesus used the example of the Sabbath to draw attention to the essential nature of faith. But the religious people of the time felt threatened by such a Jesus. And verse 6 says that the Pharisees and Herod’s party consulted about burying Jesus. This is a strange combination indeed. The Herodian party is not a religious faction but a political group that supports King Herod. Conservative Jewish Pharisees hated the Gentile King Herod, so joining forces with Herod’s party was unthinkable. But they were all against Jesus. It was clearly a threat to their reputation, position, and interests. Jesus backed down. Status and interest are of no concern to Jesus. In verse 8, people came to Jesus from all over Israel. In verse 8, the people came to Jesus from all over Israel, and they had great confidence in him to earnestly pursue the true faith.

2. appointing disciples (3:13-35)

Jesus appoints disciples and delegates their ministry (v. 13). Religious leaders, on the other hand, called Jesus a demon. For them, Jesus’ insistence on a new skin bag was a dangerous threat to their peace of mind. Jesus’ family, on the other hand, feared that Jesus had lost his mind. If he is not the Son of God, then he must be the devil or a madman. But Jesus is very calm. He says something important: verse 35, Jesus’ disciples are a family that cares for the heart of God. If we are to pursue faith, we must walk in a way that touches the heart of God while respecting common sense. Even if we are obedient followers of religious doctrine, our walk should not be one in which we do not feel the heart of God in the slightest. I pray that you have a good day today.