【シーズン6】創世記22章 信仰の試練【聖書】人生100倍の祝福

Genesis 22: The Test of Faith (The Son as God’s)
1.command of God (22:1-8)
God commanded Abraham to offer his beloved son Isaac as a sacrifice (v. 2). Some people may think that this is a human sacrifice when they read such a biblical episode. It is something extremely pagan, barbaric, and difficult to understand. However, from the very beginning, the Bible declares that this was a test of Abraham’s true faith (v. 12). I think the Bible is very realistic and common sense.
Anyway, we say we believe in God and obey God, but what do we really do? I believe in God only because it is beneficial, and I wonder if there is such a thing as faith that genuinely loves and cherishes the existence of God. In the Old Testament book of Job, we find a similar question. Satan finds Job, who truly and sincerely loves God, and asks God to test the genuineness of his faith. And for some reason, God allows Satan to do so. Job loses his property, his house, everything, but he is proven to be a man who still believes in and cares for God. It is the same thing. Here, God was testing Abraham’s true heart.
Surely a God who does righteous things would not ask Abraham to return the child he had given to the old man and offer it as a sacrifice. Abraham simply obeys, as if God has a reason for doing so (v. 3). He was obedient, confident of the good results of his faith (v. 5; Hebrews 11:17-19).
The place God showed them is called the land of Moriah, where David later built the altar of the Lord (1 Chronicles 21:26-28), and where the first temple was built by Solomon (2 Chronicles 3:1). Today it is called the Temple Hill, where stands the Islamic temple called the “Dome of the Rock. According to legend, the prophet Mahomet ascended to heaven on a horse with many angels from a rock on this hill. After Israel was conquered by the Islamic powers, the site was controlled by the Islamic people and is still not open to tourists.

  1. provision is made on the mountain of the Lord (22:9-23)
    When Abraham arrived at the place, he told his valet that they were returning to worship (v. 5). Worship is an act of acknowledging God’s sovereignty, of being a man with God. In other words, God tests us on this basic attitude, whether or not we are capable of worshiping Him at all times. In that sense, we want to live a life of faith that clearly conveys the attitude that the person is somehow putting God first.
    However, the real intent of this story does not seem to be a tribute to Abraham’s attitude of faith. Rather, it is an episode to help us understand the concept of substitutionary death, to learn the idea that in the event that we might lose our beloved son, there is a substitute, something the Lord can provide (v. 14) to prevent that from happening. It eventually leads to the substitutionary death of Jesus on the cross, which is to be understood. Perhaps what the apostle Paul wrote in Romans 8:32, “How can God, who did not spare even His own Son to die for us all, but did everything with His Son, not give us all things? God is the Lord of provision, who provided His Son on the cross as a substitute and who provides us with more than that. We want to understand not the excellence of Abraham’s faith, but the excellence of God’s grace. To live the Christian faith is thus to deeply savor and know what God is.
    Abraham received two promises through this service. Abraham received two promises through this service: that he would multiply his descendants (15:5), and that his descendants would be victorious over their enemies (22:17, 24:60). Moreover, God is not a talker. If God promises something, He immediately moves to fulfill it. The author of Genesis speaks here of the genealogy of Nahor (vv. 20-24). It is easy to carelessly skip over this, thinking it is of little relevance, but here it is. After these events, … Beth-el begat Ribekah. In other words, Ribekah, Isaac’s wife, was prepared. The Lord is the One who preserves, creates, and provides for all things. Indeed, God is doing things that we cannot conceive of and in places that we cannot imagine. Remembering the depth of God’s plan, we should be people who trust and worship God in all circumstances. God’s Word is true. God bless you all. Please subscribe to our channel and become a member. See you tomorrow on this channel.