人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】エズラ記10章 グレーゾーン

10章 雑婚問題への対応






そして44節、口語訳(Japanese Kougo-translation)は「これらの者は皆異邦の女をめとった者である。彼らはその女たちをその子供と共に離縁した。」とあります。口語訳(Japansese Kougo-translation)は「離縁」という言葉を使って、3節の「追い出しましょう(send away)」に呼応する形で意訳しています。ところが、ヘブル語の原文は曖昧で、新改訳2017(Japanese Shinkai translation)もそうですが、大方の訳はヘブル語原文どおり意味不明な結果を伝える直訳となっています。

つまり「追い出す(send away)」ことは、離縁そのものを迫ったのではない可能性があるのです。実際、神は赦しの神であり、救いの神です。新約聖書においても、パウロが提示する原則は「信者である夫に信者でない妻がいて、その妻が一緒にいることを承知している場合は、離婚してはいけません。また、女の人に信者でない夫がいて、その夫が一緒にいることを承知している場合は、離婚してはいけません。」(1コリント7:12,13)とあります。つまりエズラは、頑迷非常な処置を取ったのではなく、やはり、神の民としてのビジョンを明確にしながら、現実主義的に、いまある現実から、なすべきことを一緒に考えたというべきでしょう。信仰の営みというのは、一般に考えられているように白黒をはっきりさせて終わりという、単純ではありません。グレーのままに、お互いに歩み寄ることを求める。忍耐強く対話を重ねて、時間をかけても聖書が語る本来のあるべき形に添っていく、つまり、知恵と忍耐と、粘り強さ、そして何よりも愛を要することでもあるのです。では今日もよき一日となるように祈ります。




Chapter 10 Dealing with mixed-marriage issues

1.alignment of values

The last book of Ezra ends with a record showing how the Israelites responded to the problem of mixed marriages. Chapters 1-6 were a record of the completion of the temple by the Israelites who returned to their homeland. Chapters 7-10 are a record of the activities of the scribe Ezra, and it can be said that the center of them is dealing with the problem of miscellaneous marriage (chapter 9-10).

Ezra taught the law and tried to restore the life of God’s people to the Israelites, but miscellaneous marriage was such a big problem that it became the central problem. Of course, having a foreign spouse with a different culture is not a problem. At issue is what kind of values ​​the family, which is the basis of a community of faith, holds together. It is about how we think of God’s family. They may have different ways of thinking and just live together, but Israel is a people chosen to be a vessel of God’s blessing. Unless we have a mutual understanding of what God’s blessings are, we cannot stand on that mission. What Ezra did was not only to align values, but to align goals, missions, or visions in life. If you just want to live together in harmony, there is no doubt that it is better to have similar values. It’s a matter of common sense. However, if we are going to do something together, it will be difficult if we do not have the same sense of mission and vision. What are you going to do?

2.actual treatment

So Ezra calls upon his representatives to swear before God to make such courageous decisions and painful actions. And finally he started to act. Those who do not conform are severely banished from Israeli society. But that is not incomprehensible. The ninth month falls in November-December, a very cold period with early rains in Israel. It was during this period that the Israelites were gathered together and made it clear who would really be marrying and who should be expelled. There were 17 priests (18-22), 6 Levites (23), 1 singer, 3 gatekeepers, and 84 others (25-43), totaling 111 people.

And in verse 44, the Japanese Kougo-translation says, “These men all married foreign women. They divorced them along with their children.” The Japanese Kougo-translation uses the word “separation” in response to “send away” in verse 3. However, the original Hebrew text is ambiguous, and most of the translations, including the Japanese Shinkai translation 2017, are literal translations that convey the same ambiguous results as the original Hebrew text.

In other words, it is possible that “sending away” did not force the divorce itself. In fact, God is a God of forgiveness, a God of salvation. In the New Testament, too, the principle Paul puts forward is, “If a believing husband has an unbelieving wife, and he knows that she is with her, do not divorce her. If a man has an unbelieving husband and you know that he is with you, do not divorce him” (1 Corinthians 7:12, 13). In other words, Ezra did not take extreme measures, but rather, he clarified his vision as God’s people, and from a realistic point of view, he thought about what should be done together. . The practice of faith is not as simple as it is generally thought to be black and white. Stay gray and ask each other to come closer. It takes patience, dialogue, and over time to follow what the Bible says it should be: wisdom, patience, persistence, and most of all, love. I hope you have a good day today.

<Quiz corner>

First, yesterday’s quiz. What was the material of the clothing that people generally wore in those days? ①Cotton, ②Flax, ③Polyester, the answer was ②Flax. The garment, called Kesones in Hebrew and Chithon in Greek, is an undergarment similar to our shirts, made of wool and flax. So, for today’s Bible quiz, what month will the “rain ahead” be? ①May-June, ②October-November, ③January-February, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.