人生💯倍の喜び😊【聖書】ネヘミヤ記13章 思慮深さ














Chapter 13: Nehemiah’s Reformation

1. raising a people of worship

 After the rebuilding of the city walls, the Reformation of Nehemiah is recorded. Reformation is not a one-time event. It requires repetition. First, he separated from Israel those of mixed blood, Ammonites and Moabites. This does not mean that they were expelled from Israelite society, but that they were not allowed to participate in temple worship and religious ceremonies. Israel is a people who serve the true God, so those who would not abandon their pagan customs were barred from their religious ceremonies.

This is an important point. Worship is still about remembering God, worshipping Him, and bowing down to Him. It is only natural, then, that we should be consistent in observing such an atmosphere. If so, those who earnestly seek the Lord will also come to know God in that atmosphere. Of course, consideration for seekers and newcomers to the church will be necessary. However, there is no need to be so attentive that the purpose of the worship service is lost. Nehemiah’s first reform was to gather worshippers who cared about worship.

2. making the temple function as a temple

Next, Nehemiah cast out a man named Tobiah (vv. 4-9). It seems that Nehemiah had returned to Susa to report once after 12 years in Jerusalem (445-433 BC). El-Yashub, the high priest in charge of his absence, had become friendly with Tobiah, an Ammonite official who had once opposed the restoration of the city walls, and had rented him a room in the temple. Originally, the room was used to store votive offerings for the priests, but since the votive offerings were not collected and the room was vacant, he probably rented it out. Where there is no vision, such laxity often occurs. Nehemiah removed Tobiah, sanctified the room, and returned it to its original use. Nehemiah’s second reform is to use the temple properly according to its purpose.

3. respect for the servants

 Nehemiah also improved the treatment of the Levites and singers (vv. 10-15). Originally, the high priest had to teach the congregation to support the work of the temple with their offerings. However, he probably did not do so. The Levites and singers, who could no longer sustain themselves through service, tried to support themselves through agriculture and put off temple service. Nehemiah’s third reform was to restore consideration for those who could be used in the temple. Thus, by restoring the Levites, the people of Judah again began to offer a tenth of their offerings. Nehemiah’s tithe reform was not an attempt to needlessly enrich the temple, but only to restore proper compensation for the workers.

4. rejoicing in God’s rest

 Fourth, Nehemiah commanded the keeping of the Sabbath (15-22). In those days, everyone lived in complete disregard of the Sabbath (vv. 15-16). But this meant abandoning the basic principle that they were who they were because of God. Going to worship services every Sunday and rejoicing in the Lord’s rest together is proof that they valued God above all else. Nehemiah presents the historical lesson that the destruction of the nation of Israel was originally the result of neglecting the Sabbath (v. 18). Everyone wants to seek wealth and live in abundance. This is not necessarily a bad thing. However, it is God who blesses us. If we neglect God, wealth and abundance will not last. Fear God.

5. encourage prudent choices

Finally, Nehemiah forbade intermarriage (23-29). Marriage is a life-long communal life. Differences in values can play a major role when romantic feelings cool down. One should not lead a difficult life ahead by making shallow choices. It was not without reason that Paul mentioned one thing for young adolescents to acquire: discretion (Titus 2:6). It is the way of life of a believer to use common sense rather than doctrinal observance, to think carefully, to marry, to get a job, and to strive for a good future. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner

First, yesterday’s quiz. Where did the two praise teams that were made for the dedication ceremony walk to? (1) Above the city walls, (2) Inside the city walls, (3) Below the city walls, and the answer was (1) Above the city walls. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. What time of day is the Jewish Sabbath? (1) From sunset on Friday to sunset on Saturday. (2) From Saturday sunset to Sunday sunset. (iii) From Friday morning opening to Saturday morning opening. See you tomorrow for the answer. Well, I wish you a good day today.