36章 悔い改め無き王たち
Chapter 36 Unrepentant Kings
1.Four kings at the end of the kingdom of Judah
2 Chronicles begins with the story of how the house of the Lord was built. The final chapter records how the house of the Lord was destroyed (verses 18, 19). The house of the Lord, built by Solomon, was burned and destroyed by the Chaldeans, and all its utensils and treasures were carried away to Babylon. And all the Israelites who escaped the sword were taken away to Babylon and made into slaves.
“How did this misfortune happen?” Israel’s blessing should have been based on the covenant of David, regardless of Israel’s attitude. In other words, Israel should have been blessed because of the covenant David made with God that would never change. We ourselves have irrevocable blessings through the covenant of Jesus’ cross, but how can it be revoked?
What the authors of Chronicles have written so far is that even kings who sinned and rebelled repeatedly because of the covenant of David were forgiven and restored when they humbled themselves before God. But at the end of the book, the author writes that four kings in the last days of the southern kingdom of Judah, namely Jehoahaz, Jehoiakim, Jehoiachin, and Zedekiah, did evil in the sight of the Lord, turned away from the way of the Lord, and finally they was not recovered. And there is a certain pattern in the records of these four kings. Their evil deeds, their captivity, and their confiscation of their treasures are described as the result of their disbelief in God.
2.Sins of refusal to repent
Zedekiah did not humble himself before the prophet Jeremiah, who proclaimed the word of the Lord. Kings, chief priests, and people mocked God’s messengers, despised his Word, and despised his prophets (v. 16). It was their attitude that caused them to perish. The Covenant of David is valid forever. However, the attitude of voluntarily refusing the contract was a problem. It is true that the Lord Jesus also spoke. “Therefore I say unto you, Any sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven to a man, but blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven” (Matthew 12:31). If so, it would be the sin of rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit to prompt repentance. A person is forgiven of any sin or blasphemy. However, if we refuse the Holy Spirit’s invitation to repent of our sins, we will not be able to receive the forgiveness of sins that the Holy Spirit brings. Neither Zedekiah, nor all the chief priests, nor the people would accept the urging of God’s messengers to repentance. In other words, they themselves refused to keep the covenant of David.
Sometimes we fail God and do evil in the sight of the Lord. Even if you don’t commit a crime that would require you to go to prison, you will encounter countless scenes that make you think that you are dishonest as a human being and that you are committing a sin in your heart. The important thing is that if there is a pain in your conscience that prompts you to repent of your sins, confess your sins to God and ask God to forgive you. And we will be thankful for the grace of God who always forgives us, and we will keep the holiness of our hearts.
God is merciful. God ordained the restoration of the southern kingdom of Judah through King Cyrus of the Gentiles. Even if we are defeated, we will not continue to be defeated. There is hope in man that God will never remember our sins. Therefore, when you feel that you are being urged to repent, do not hesitate to repent and live a life of light. Let’s pray that today will be a good day.
<Quiz corner>
First, yesterday’s quiz. What were the main branches of the tree that were used in making the booths for the Feast of Tabernacles at that time? (1) dates, (2) cypresses, (3) olives, the answer was (1) dates. So today’s Bible quiz, in what year B.C. was the Southern Kingdom of Judah destroyed by the Babylonian Empire? (1) 722 BC, (2) 586 BC, (3) 538 BC, the answer will be tomorrow. I hope you have a good day today.