









Chapter 12: The End Times

1. the end times

This is the last chapter of the book of Daniel. Daniel’s visions speak of God’s plan for the latter days. However, this chapter 12 speaks of further future, eschatological events. At that time, unprecedented tribulations will come. It is a tribulation, he says, that will come to everyone, whether they believe in God or not. However, we are promised that there will be salvation for God’s people (v. 1). He also says that the dead will be raised, judged, and sifted into their own categories (v. 2).

These things Daniel says are clearly the same things that John describes in Revelation when he speaks of the first resurrection (Revelation 20:5, 6). At that time, “the wise,” that is, those who have rightly discerned the movements of this age by faith and are prepared at the time, will “shine as the brightness of the firmament.” Early in the morning, there is something that is not the light of the morning glow, but is truly the great sky in which the sun shines brilliantly. It is an image of the sky that gives life, as if something cleanses the heart and liberates it. It is the radiance of those who have lived wisely.

But 11:35 says that in those days, even “the wise” can be twisted by the forces of evil and forced to live a life as if abandoned by God. But that affliction is, of course, in God’s plan, so the reward they will eventually receive is said to be great. The latter half of verse 3 speaks of the great reward of not only keeping the faith, but also using the opportunity to speak the gospel and connect people to God. This is reminiscent of Revelation 11. We should take comfort in these words and put our efforts into missionary work today.

2. a time, two times, and half a time

The final vision is depicted from verse 5. Daniel is conversing with two people standing on either side of the river. Daniel asks when the mysterious and incomprehensible apocalyptic events that have been described will end. In particular, when will the time of persecution end? The answer was “a time and two and a half hours. Here we are reminded of Revelation 12. In Revelation 12, John speaks of a battle between a woman and a dragon. It is understood that he is symbolically speaking of the battle between Mary, who gave birth to the Messiah, or the people of God, the Church, who were born of Mary and redeemed by her Son, and the dragon. The purpose of the episode, however, is to indicate a limit of about three and a half years with the words “for a thousand two hundred and sixty days (Revelation 12:6)” and “for a time and times and half a time (Revelation 12:14). In other words, there is a limit to the tribulation or trial, and it will not last forever. So, roughly translated, it means, “Don’t worry, Daniel, this will not last forever. The reward for those who obey God is great. Just obey.

Daniel, however, is caught up in the words and asks for a little more understanding, but is not given an answer (v. 9). He does not give an answer (v. 9). While following the path of faith, there are times when a sense of uncertainty arises. But there are times when we have to carry that feeling of uncertainty under our arm. In fact, even if we do have a sense of doubt, it does not mean that we cannot move forward. Whatever the times, the goal is clear. It is to receive the grace of the Lord’s rest (v. 13). Toward that hope, let us today respond to God’s voice that tells us only to obey. I pray that today will be another good day.

<Quiz Corner     

First, yesterday’s quiz. Which island in the Mediterranean Sea is called Kittim? (1) Cyprus, (2) Patmos, and (3) Malta. The answer was (1) Cyprus. Kitim originates from the town of Kithion, on the southeastern shore of the island of Cyprus. It is an important Phoenician colony. Now for today’s Bible quiz. Which of the angels argued and argued with the devil about Moses’ body? (1) Michael, (2) Gabriel, and (3) Seraphim. Well, I wish you a good day today!