人生100倍の視野【聖書】ハガイ書2章 神殿再建の完成











Haggai, Chapter 2: Completion of the Temple Rebuilding

1. the second word of God

Haggai was given the Word of God again. This was about a month later. The first day of the seventh month was the Feast of Trumpets, the tenth day was the Day of Atonement, and the Feast of Tabernacles followed for a week from the fifteenth day, so Israel was in the midst of a national holiday period and construction was suspended. The festival was over, and God’s word was repeated to them to start the rebuilding project again.

By the way, the rebuilding project included some elderly people. Some of them knew the old temple, which had been destroyed about 70 years earlier. And they could not afford to decorate the new temple with gold trim and carvings (1 Kings 6:21-22). To those who knew the old temple, it was so shabby (v. 3) that it would have been better off without it than with it.

But the function of the temple, as Solomon’s prayer says, is to remind people of God’s presence and to cause a dialogue with God. The beauty of having a temple has nothing to do with its architectural workmanship. The same is true for the way we think about church buildings today. It is not about the size of the building or the splendor of its decoration. It is about whether people can certainly experience God there. So God tells the Israelites, who are discouraged by the workmanship, in verse 7, “I will shake all nations; I will bring forth the treasures of all nations. I will bring forth the treasures of all nations, and I will fill this temple with glory,” v. 9, promising that “the glory of the latter days will be greater than that of the former. In fact, this second temple was later renovated and enlarged by King Herod, making it the second largest ancient temple ever built in the world, surpassing the glory of the first temple once built by Solomon.

The important thing will be whether there are people who continue to pray and engage in faith in the vision God is pointing them to. It will be whether there are people who do not give up when others would give up, but who are committed to the completion of God’s vision. Though small in the beginning, it will grow. Where there is no faith, there is no blessing. But where there is faith, the Lord’s work will eventually take place. The question is whether or not there are those who have the will to build up or rebuild the church.

2. the third time the Word of God

Beginning in verse 10 is the third word of God given to Haggai two more months later. First, God asks two questions, “If a man carries a holy sacrifice wrapped in a garment, will the garment be holy?” The answer is, “It will not. Then, “If a person who has been defiled touches something, does it become unclean?” The answer was, “It becomes unclean. I suppose what he is trying to say is that God’s holiness is hard to convey, but defilement is easily conveyed. In other words, God is well aware that humans have such a nature. Also, the ninth month (now November-December). That is when the harvest of the year is already over and a new harvest cycle is about to begin. But that year, due to God’s plagues, the harvest was probably less than half of what was expected. But God promises that when you return, there will be a great harvest. In other words, despite the reality of sinners with their unchangeable nature, God promises to continue to pour out His blessings on you if you will continue to return to Him. He says that we should carefully consider that divine zeal. Indeed, it is in such an attitude of God that there is hope for us, too.

The message from the last 20 verses is where the message becomes an eschatological Messianic prophecy addressed to the leader, Zerubbabel personally. The book of Haggai thus closes with the promise of future hope as well as present hope for the people. I wish you a good day today.

<Quiz Corner          

First, yesterday’s quiz. How long does Haggai’s prophetic activity last? (1) 4 months, (2) 4 years, (3) 40 years. The answer was (1) 4 months. Now, here is today’s Bible quiz. What is the seventh month, which is the New Year in the political calendar for Israel, also known as? (1) the month of Chisri, (2) the month of Aviv, and (3) the month of Nisan. I will give you the answer tomorrow. Well, I wish you a good day today.