人生100倍の視野【聖書】マラキ書4章 モーセの律法を覚えよ












Malachi 4: Remember the Law of Moses

1. the day of the Lord

Chapter 4 is a prophecy of the Day of the Lord, a continuation of chapter 3. In content, it is a continuation of God’s response to the murmuring of the people in 3:13. He says that on the Day of the Lord, the difference between “the righteous and the wicked, those who serve God and those who do not” will become clear (3:18). What is important is the image of those who serve God. It is “those who fear the Lord, those who honor His name.” and “those who have received His mercy” (3:16-17). Those who do not serve God are the reverse, verse 1, “all exalted, all evil-doers.” Note also the consequences of those who serve God. He says that for those who do not acknowledge God and do not serve Him, the day will come as a huge kamar-tzah that will burn. But verse 2 says that for those who serve God, “the sun of righteousness will rise and there will be healing. Judgment may be desired in the same way, but light will shine on those who serve the Lord. And it says that it will be a day of rejoicing, like the leaping of a calf unleashed from the barn into the shining sun. It will also be a day of decisive victory, as it says, “I will trample down the wicked” (v. 3).

Will such a day be created? Is it the end times, no, it is not. We should understand with faith that such an opportunity will be given to us now. For the victory of the Christian can happen not only in the afterlife, but also in this life (Romans 8:35-37). We are not to live in vague expectations, but to step out boldly in life, believing in the victory that is in the Lord.

2. God’s Warning

Verse 4 begins the final summary. Malachi wrote this book roughly around 460-430 BC, 80 years after Haggai and Zechariah encouraged the people to rebuild the temple. But the prosperity promised by God had not been realized. And it was a time when the initial faith and zeal of the people upon their return from Babylon had cooled and they were beginning to become morally corrupt. People even began to think that the prophets had blown a big whistle, or that their God was not as powerful as they had hoped.

It was in this mood of decadence that Malachi emerged as the last Old Testament prophet and religious reformer. Malachi appeared to reiterate the Word of God to a people who had become skeptical about what it meant to believe in God. It was just like the appearance of Elijah in the days of Ahab. No, as a matter of fact, he says that the real Elijah is coming, the one who will bring the spiritual impact. It is referring to John the Baptist, and indeed he was the one who “turned the heart of the Father to the Son and the heart of the Son to the Father” in verse 6. This passage should be understood as a restoration of the relationship between God the Father and man, rather than simply taking it to mean a literal restoration of the brokenness of the family. Thus, the “I” speaks of Jesus and His coming. He is coming precisely as the One who will stand at the breaking point so that God’s covenant-based judgment will not come upon the earth (Leviticus 26:32). The important thing is to turn to God’s laws and decrees and keep standing in them.

Now we have completed the Old Testament. If you are a Jew, you are about to celebrate the festival of Simhat Torah (the joy of the Torah), which celebrates the completion and beginning of the reading of the Book of the Law for one cycle a year. Even Protestant churches, with the Bible at the center of their being, may well have a time to celebrate the joy of reading the Bible in its entirety. The Bible is our life, our strength, our joy. The completion of the reading and the beginning of the reading should still be an important time of encouragement and celebration. For your information, here is a link to a song that Jews are supposed to sing on this festival.

Repeated in the song is, “There is no King, Savior, or Redeemer but You. You are the truth, the beginning and the end.” The lyrics are. The essence of faith is found in loving God and adoring His Word.

Tomorrow begins the sixth cycle. Some of you have been reading the Bible over and over for more than 20 years, along with this blog. To those of you who have commented, and to those of you who have continued to read without commenting, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for meeting all of you. If you would like to join us for the sixth season, please do so.

<Quiz Corner>    

First, here is yesterday’s quiz. The period between the writing of Malachi and the coming of the New Testament era is called the Intermediate Period. (1) 100 years, (2) 400 years, and (3) 800 years. The answer was (2) 400 years. We will take a break from the Quiz Corner for the sixth cycle. We will consider resuming it when we are ready.