Chapter 4: God Teaches Jonah
1. angry Jonah
As a result of Jonah’s preaching, the people of Nineveh turned to God, God had second thoughts, and He did not send the plagues. It should have been “happily ever after,” but it was not so for Jonah. In the original Hebrew, the same root word is repeated, bairah-rah-ar-gedolah, and the adverb “very” is added, which should be “furious. The word “Yonah was furious” is followed by the word “Jonah was furious,” which translated as “furious” can also mean “to burn. It means “to burn.” Jonah was in a state of burning and rage.
But then again, why did Jonah react so violently? I am not sure if it was because of his patriotism, which he saw Nineveh as a threat in the future, or because he felt humiliated that what he said did not happen, or because he was utterly disgusted by God’s laxity. Either way, he was furious at what God had done. And he protested to God.
Jonah then left the town and sat down to see what would happen to it. Apparently, he may have thought that if he protested against God with so much anger, he would not be able to get away with it.
2. God talking with Jonah
God provides Jonah with a stick of sesame seed to provide shade and coolness. It is amazing that God shows such concern for Jonah’s mood. Wait a minute, I almost wish that God would show consideration to me and fix my mood, too. But let’s not digress and follow the story for a moment. Jonah rejoiced in God’s consideration. But, in the end, God let the sesame seed wither, exposing Jonah to the scorching sun of Palestine. The east wind, also known as the sirocco wind, is a hot wind blowing from the desert that burns the ears of grain (Gen. 41:6, 23) and withers vines (Eze. 17:9-10) and flowers (Jas. 1:10-11). It is a symmetrical flow of the story, with Jonah swallowed up by the big fish and attacked by water, and now under the fire torture of the east wind.
What is important, however, is the subsequent dialogue between God and Jonah. Although Jonah was a popular prophet at the time, he was not a very accomplished man. Even if he was not a false teacher, the content of his heart was completely different from the compassionate heart of God, and he was not at all worthy of being called a prophet of God. Jonah’s heart should have been like that of Abraham, who interceded with God who wanted to destroy Sodom and asked for salvation (Gen. 18:20-33).
What a mystery! One wonders how such an inadequate prophet came to be hailed as a prophet of God, or perhaps it is just a quirk of the times. But God is patient with this lousy prophet, even though he is recognized by the people, and tries to make him understand important truths. This is similar to the story of the loving father who gently warns the angry older brother who cannot accept the prodigal son (Luke 15:25-32).
In any case, it must be said that God is indeed an extraordinary and great One who educates, nurtures, and makes vessels of Himself those who are so humanly immature that it is difficult for them to stand above others and speak up for themselves. If the Christian church is awakened to this deep love of God and tries to live in it, the church can truly become a place of peace and a heartwarming place that is not found in society. Let us pray that God will speak to us, that our eyes will be opened to His love, and that we will live in His love. I pray that you have a good day today.
<Quiz Corner
First, yesterday’s quiz. Which of the following prophets prophesied that Assyria would plunder and destroy Israel? (1) Elijah, (2) Isaiah, and (3) Jeremiah. The answer was (2) Isaiah (Isaiah 7:17). Hosea also prophesied the same thing (Hosea 9:3, 10:6, 7, 11:5). Now for today’s Bible quiz. When is the most frequent season of the East Wind? (1) January, (2) May, (3) August, and the answer will be given tomorrow. I wish you a good day today.